
| Healthy

Eyes hurt when blinking, know the causes and how to deal with it

Eyes hurt when blinking, know the causes and how to deal with it Eye pain when blinking can be quite an annoying complaint. Usually, these complaints appear in people who experience styes. However, pain that occurs when blinking can also be a sign of eye problems.Blinking is a natural reflex carried out by the body to lubricate the eyes so that they remain moist and avoid irritation. Under normal conditions, blinking won't feel anything, you won't even notice it because it happens automatically.However, pain may appear when blinking and be a sign that you have an eye problem. Therefore, it is very important to know the various causes of eye pain when blinking so that this complaint can be resolved properly here why and how Eyes hurt when blinking, know the causes and how to deal with it.Various Causes of Eye Pain When BlinkingAs previously mentioned, complaints of eye pain when blinking usually appear in people who have styes. However, there are several other conditions that can also trigger complaints.The following is an explanation of the various causes of eye pain when blinking that you need to know:1. StyeStyes occur due to blockage of the oil glands and bacterial infections at the roots of the eyelashes. This infection will trigger the appearance of small lumps similar to pimples or boils on the eyelids. Because of the location where they appear, styes can cause eye pain when blinking and cause discomfort in the eyes.2. Dry eyesDry eyes or dry eye syndrome can occur when the tears produced by the tear glands are not enough to protect and moisturize the surface of the eye. When experiencing this condition, you may feel pain when blinking, accompanied by a feeling like something is stuck in your eye.Not only that, dry eyes will also make your eyes red, itchy, sore, and can even cause blurred vision.3. Allergic conjunctivitisIf complaints of eye pain when blinking are accompanied by itchy, red and watery eyes, the cause could be allergic conjunctivitis . As the name suggests, this condition occurs due to exposure to allergy-triggering substances (allergens) in the form of dust, pollen, pet dander, or various ingredients contained in detergents and perfumes.Exposure to these various substances can make the eyes irritated , itchy and red. Apart from that, allergic conjunctivitis will also trigger aches and pains and a feeling like something is stuck when you blink.4. BlepharitisBlepharitis is a medical term to describe inflammation of the eyelids. This condition can cause the eyelids to become swollen and red, which of course will cause eye pain when blinking.Until now, the cause of blepharitis is still not known with certainty. However, several things, such as bacterial infections and blockages of the oil glands on the inside of the eyelids, are thought to cause this condition.   Also read: 7 Ways to Maintain Eye Health5. IritisIritis or what is often called anterior uveitis is inflammation that occurs in the iris, which is the colored part of the front of the eye. There are various causes, ranging from impact on the eye to certain health problems that occur due to infection, such as shingles, tuberculosis and syphilis .Inflammation that occurs in the iris can cause eye pain when blinking. These complaints will usually also be accompanied by other symptoms, including the eyes becoming sensitive to light, blurry vision, and headaches.6. Corneal abrasionThe next cause of eye pain when blinking is corneal abrasion , which is a scratch that occurs on the cornea or the clear layer that protects the front of the eye. This condition generally occurs due to dust, dirt, contact lenses, or nail scratches.Not only does it make your eyes hurt when you blink, scratches on the cornea can also cause your eyes to become red, feel like there is sand, and be sensitive to light, and make your vision blurry.7. Corneal ulcerAnother cause of eye pain when blinking that you need to be aware of is corneal ulcers. This condition is characterized by an open wound on the cornea which often occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection. However, certain conditions, such as inverted eyelids and autoimmune diseases, can also cause corneal ulcers.If you have a corneal ulcer, you will feel pain when you blink, red, itchy and watery eyes, and white spots will appear on the cornea.How to Treat Sore Eyes When BlinkingThere are various ways to deal with complaints of sore eyes when blinking, ranging from home methods to medical methods. If the pain that appears is still mild, applying a warm compress to the eyes can be an initial treatment to help relieve the complaint.You can also use eye drops that contain antibiotics or antivirals to treat complaints of sore eyes when blinking caused by bacterial infections and viral infections.Apart from that, eye drops with certain ingredients, such as diclofenac or ketorolac , can also be used. These two ingredients function to reduce pain and inflammation in the eyes. Even so, you need a doctor's prescription to get it. On the other hand, if you feel that your eye pain when blinking is quite severe or is accompanied by nausea, swollen eyes, or decreased ability to see, immediately consult a doctor . Later, the doctor will carry out an examination and determine the appropriate treatment according to the condition of your eyes.

| Healthy

5 ways to make your eyelashes thicker that you can try

5 ways to make your eyelashes thicker that you can try How to make your eyelashes thicker is done to make your appearance more attractive, especially to make your eyes more lively. To get thick eyelashes, you can do various natural treatments at home and various beauty procedures. Eyelashes function to protect the eyes from dirt that can obstruct vision or cause infection and injury. Apart from its important role in eye health, thick eyelashes can also improve a person's appearance here 5 ways to make your eyelashes thicker that you can try . Therefore, quite a few people use various methods to lengthen their eyelashes to enhance the appearance of their face and make their eyes more "talking". Various Ways to Make Your Eyelashes Thicker The thickness or thinness of hair on the body, including eyelashes, is greatly influenced by genetic factors. Apart from that, the thickness of eyelashes is also related to health conditions and consumption of certain medications. However, to stimulate the growth of eyelashes and make them thick, here are several ways you can thicken your eyelashes : 1. Use aloe vera gel Aloe vera contains aloenin, a phytochemical compound that functions to increase hair growth, including eyelashes. Thanks to this content, using aloe vera gel can be used as a way to thicken eyelashes. Apart from that, the fatty acids, amino acids and various vitamins in aloe vera also play an important role in maintaining the health of hair follicles in the eyelashes. That way, the risk of eyelash loss can be prevented. You only need to apply aloe vera gel to your eyelashes before going to bed and then rinse it in the morning. 2. Use green tea You can also use green tea as a way to thicken your eyelashes. This benefit is obtained from the catechin content in green tea which can stimulate follicles to produce thicker hair and prevent damage to skin and hair cells. To get this benefit, you can brew green tea without sugar, then chill it in the refrigerator. After that, moisten cotton wool with green tea and compress it onto your eyelashes. Do this method to thicken your eyelashes every day for maximum results. 3. Apply olive oil The benefits of olive oil for hair are quite popular. Olive oil contains antioxidants which play an important role in preventing hair loss. The antibacterial properties of olive oil can also improve the health of skin and hair follicles. By using it regularly, eyelashes can grow thickly. To apply this method to thicken your eyelashes, you only need to apply olive oil to your eyelashes at night and rinse it the next morning. You can add grated lemon zest to olive oil for maximum results. 4. Apply castor oil Castor oil contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories which play an important role in keeping body cells healthy, including cells and tissue in the eyelashes. The omega-6 fatty acids in castor oil are also useful for increasing hair growth and reducing inflammation in hair follicles.   Also read : 6 Tips for Long and Healthy Hair Quickly This natural ingredient can be applied directly to the eyelashes every day before going to bed. The next morning, rinse the remaining oil on your eyelashes until clean. 5. Eyelash extension  You can do eyelash extensions as a way to instantly thicken your eyelashes. This procedure is carried out by connecting natural eyelashes with artificial eyelashes made from hair or synthetic fibers. Even though it can make eyelashes thick and long instantly, eyelash extensions are not free from risks. In some people, the adhesive used to perform eyelash extensions can trigger allergic reactions and cause irritation of the eyelids. Apart from that, using eyelash extensions too often can also increase the risk of eyelash loss and even infection of the cornea. Apart from doing the methods above to thicken your eyelashes, you can consume a variety of foods that can increase eyelash growth. Food choices that support the growth of thick hair and eyelashes are those that contain omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Apart from that, you can also use eyelash serum containing the natural ingredients above to thicken your eyelashes. However, you should avoid eyelash serums that contain prostaglandin analogs (PGAs) because they can make the eyelid skin become wrinkled and dark. If you have tried various methods to make your eyelashes thicker but they don't show satisfactory results, or want to get faster results, you should consult a doctor. You also need to see an eye doctor if your eyes experience problems after using serum to thicken your eyelashes.

| Healthy

8 Rarely Known Benefits of Papaya Seeds

8 Rarely Known Benefits of Papaya Seeds Not only the flesh of the fruit, the benefits of papaya seeds are also numerous, you know . This is because papaya seeds contain various nutrients that can maintain body health and prevent various diseases, from constipation to cancer. Papaya is a fruit that grows in tropical climates, such as Indonesia. Apart from its fresh taste and soft texture, this fruit also has many health benefits, such as maintaining digestive tract health and preventing heart disease. Apart from the flesh, the papaya seeds can also be eaten, you know . Even though it tastes a little bitter, the seeds of this fruit are actually rich in nutrients. It is these nutrients that can bring many health benefits from papaya seeds 8 Rarely Known Benefits of Papaya Seeds . Best Benefits of Papaya Seeds that You Should Know Papaya seeds contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and various types of antioxidants , such as polyphenols and flavonoids. Apart from that, the seeds of this fruit also contain substances that are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Thanks to these various contents, papaya seeds are beneficial for health. So, here are some of the benefits of papaya seeds for health: 1. Prevent constipation Papaya seeds contain fiber, both soluble and insoluble fiber, which is good for maintaining a healthy digestive system. This fiber can keep digestion smooth and keep the stool texture denser and softer, so it is easy to pass when defecating. So, with a healthy digestive system, you can also avoid digestive problems, including constipation . 2. Treat infections Apart from being rich in fiber, papaya seeds also contain substances that have antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties. This content is believed to prevent the growth of germs and fungi that cause infections in the digestive system. Papaya seeds have also been used traditionally in several countries, such as Malaysia and India, to treat diarrhea . Even so, the effectiveness and benefits of papaya seeds still need further research. If you want to treat an infectious disease with papaya seeds, you should consult a doctor first. 3. Increase body immunity Papaya seeds contain various vitamins and minerals, ranging from vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. These various nutrients are useful for keeping the body's immunity strong. That way, you get sick less often because your body is stronger against germs, parasites and fungi that cause infections. 4. Lower cholesterol levels Papaya seeds contain oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid. This fat is classified as a type of healthy fat that can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body. By controlling bad cholesterol levels, the body will avoid dangerous diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. 5. Prevent diabetes Several studies show that papaya seeds can help reduce high blood sugar levels and keep them stable. With controlled blood sugar levels, the body will avoid diabetes or diabetes.    Also read : 10 Benefits of Cucumber Juice for Body Health This benefit is thought to come from the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content in papaya seeds which can support the function of the pancreas in producing insulin , a hormone that is involved in controlling blood sugar. 6. Maintain kidney health One of the benefits of papaya seeds is maintaining kidney health . You see, papaya seeds contain antioxidants which can protect various body organs from damage. Apart from that, papaya seeds are also rich in antioxidants and minerals, such as potassium, so they are known to keep blood pressure stable. Therefore, kidney function and health can be maintained. 7. Prevent liver disease The liver has an important role in the body, namely as a filter to filter and remove waste substances and excess fluids in the body. Unfortunately, liver function can also be disrupted due to liver disease, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. To avoid liver disease, you must maintain the health of this organ. Well, one way is to consume papaya seeds. The seeds of this fruit contain flavonoids and phenolic acids which can reduce inflammation and maintain liver function and health. However, consumption of papaya seeds should not be excessive, because it can actually have an impact on liver health. 8. Prevent cancer Cancer is a dangerous disease caused by abnormal cell growth in the body. The growth of cancer cells then damages the healthy cells around them and makes the sufferer's body weak. Well, this disease can be prevented by eating papaya seeds, you know . You see, the antioxidant content in papaya seeds can prevent damage to healthy cells in the body so that cancer does not occur. However, not only by consuming papaya seeds, cancer also needs to be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle, such as not smoking, avoiding alcoholic drinks, exercising regularly and following a healthy diet. It turns out there are many benefits of papaya seeds, yes. So, you can start consuming it. The method is to dry it and process it into herbal tea or consume it directly after mashing it. Oh yes, don't consume too much papaya seeds, okay? It's best to limit consumption of papaya seeds to no more than 1–2 tablespoons per day. To safely consume papaya seeds, you can consult a doctor first to determine the amount of intake that suits your needs and health condition.

| Healthy

10 Benefits of Cucumber Juice for Body Health

10 Benefits of Cucumber Juice for Body Health The most popular benefit of cucumber juice is that it hydrates the body. This benefit comes from the high water content in cucumbers. Apart from that, this juice also contains antioxidants which can ward off various diseases. The benefits of cucumber juice are obtained from the abundant nutritional content of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ).  This drink contains water, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, as well as vitamin C and vitamin K. Not only refreshing, cucumber juice is also suitable for consumption to quench thirst and maintain body health here are 10 Benefits of Cucumber Juice for Body Health . Various Benefits of Cucumber Juice for Health Cucumbers are often used as fresh vegetables as a complement to pecel catfish or fried chicken dishes. Apart from being eaten directly, cucumbers can also be processed into juice. Drinking cucumber juice regularly can provide many health benefits, such as: 1. Hydrates the body Cucumber or cucumber fruit contains 96% water. Because it contains abundant water, drinking cucumber juice can help hydrate the body so you avoid dehydration . Apart from that, cucumber juice also contains electrolytes which are good for maintaining body fluid balance. 2. Facilitates digestion Apart from being high in water content, cucumbers also contain pectin, which is fiber that dissolves in water. These two nutrients are useful for improving digestion and softening stools, thereby preventing and treating constipation . 3. Counteract free radicals The antioxidant content in cucumbers is very high. Antioxidants are known to counteract the effects of free radicals that cause various diseases. By consuming cucumber juice, your immune system will increase so you don't get sick easily. 4. Reduce weight Regularly consuming cucumber juice can reduce body weight. This is because cucumbers are high in fiber and water, but low in calories. So, don't be surprised if a glass of cucumber juice can keep your stomach full for longer so that your desire to snack on unhealthy foods is reduced. 5. Control blood sugar Cucumber is a fruit that is low on the glycemic index , carbohydrates and sugar. This means that consuming this fruit will not increase blood sugar levels quickly. Because of these benefits, cucumber is a fruit that is good for diabetes sufferers. 6. Strengthens bones Cucumbers are high in vitamin K which is useful for strengthening bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis . Apart from that, this fruit also contains a number of minerals to maintain bone health, such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus. 7. Maintain heart health 100 grams of cucumber contains 150 mg of potassium. Plus, this fruit is also high in antioxidants. Consuming sources of potassium and antioxidants can help maintain heart health, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease, such as stroke. 8. Lower blood pressure Have a history of high blood pressure or hypertension ? Try drinking cucumber juice regularly. Cucumber juice is rich in antioxidants and potassium. Potassium is a mineral needed to maintain the balance of salt levels in the body so that it can control blood pressure. 9. Prevent dry skin As mentioned at the beginning, cucumbers contain a lot of water. Apart from hydrating the body, this water content is also good for maintaining healthy skin and preventing dry skin. 10. Reduces the risk of getting cancer Regularly consuming cucumber juice can also reduce the risk of developing cancer, such as liver cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. This benefit comes from the antioxidant content and cucurbitacin compounds found in cucumbers. There are also many benefits of cucumber juice for health. If you are interested in making this juice, make sure you wash the cucumbers first before processing them into juice so that they are free from germs. Next, cut the cucumber into small pieces and add a little water. Remember, don't add sugar when making this juice. To make it more delicious, you can add ice cubes. Even though it is beneficial for health, you also need to complete your daily nutrition by eating healthy foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, and various vegetables and fruit. If you still have questions about cucumber juice and other healthy menus, don't hesitate to ask your doctor .

| Healthy

Vegetables that cause high cholesterol, do they exist?

Vegetables that cause high cholesterol, do they exist? The assumption that there are vegetables that cause high cholesterol certainly raises concerns. Moreover, vegetables have long been known as a good source of nutrition for the body. However, is it true that there are vegetables that contain cholesterol? Find out the answer in this article, OK? For people with high cholesterol, it is important to always pay attention to the type of food consumed. Not eating fatty foods is certainly a must, as is reducing snacks that can increase bad cholesterol ( LDL ) levels, such as fried foods, ice cream and pastries. If not controlled, high cholesterol can increase the risk of various diseases, from heart attacks to strokes here is Vegetables that cause high cholesterol . Facts about vegetables that cause high cholesterol Among the many foods high in cholesterol that need to be limited in consumption, you may be curious, are there really vegetables that cause high cholesterol? In fact, all vegetables contain no cholesterol at all, aka 0 cholesterol. So, there is no such thing as vegetables that cause high cholesterol, right? Cholesterol is only found in foods that come from animals, for example meat, fish, seafood and eggs. Consuming more vegetables can actually reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. You see, vegetables contain soluble fiber which can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Examples of vegetables that are high in soluble fiber are carrots, spinach, cabbage, cucumber and eggplant. You need to consume around 30–35 grams of fiber every day to reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent constipation. This fiber intake can be obtained from fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. How to Process Vegetables to Lower Cholesterol Instead of reducing bad cholesterol, improper cooking of vegetables can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. So, the cooking method that you need to avoid is frying or adding other cooking ingredients that are high in cholesterol, such as milk, cheese or processed meat such as sausages. Cooking oil contains trans fats which can make vegetables that cause high cholesterol and are high in calories. This is similar to adding milk or cheese which makes vegetables high in cholesterol. Instead, you can prepare vegetables by roasting or sautéing them in oil that is good for people with high cholesterol, such as canola oil , corn oil, olive oil, or sunflower seed oil . Even if you want to add other ingredients to make it taste more delicious, you can use healthy foods, such as spring onions, tomatoes, beans, tofu or tempeh. You can also add salt, sauce or soy sauce to taste so that the taste of the vegetables is not bland or bland. You're not curious anymore, are you? Once again, there are no vegetables that cause high cholesterol, OK? However, vegetables can contain cholesterol if they are not cooked properly. Don't forget to always check your cholesterol levels regularly with a doctor , especially if you have a history of high cholesterol.

| Healthy

8 Foods to Avoid When You Have Acne

8 Foods to Avoid When You Have Acne, There are some foods that should be avoided when you have acne. These foods are suspected to cause inflammation or affect certain hormones that can have an impact on the worsening of acne conditions. Curious about what kind of food? Read this article to the end, let's go! Maybe you have often heard advice not to consume fried foods, milk, or nuts, because they can cause acne . In fact, this food is not the main cause of acne-prone skin, you know . Acne can be caused by many factors, including lifestyle, family history, or hormonal changes. However, an unhealthy diet can also make acne appear more often or make it harder to get rid of here 8 Foods to Avoid When You Have Acne.  So, when you have acne and don't want this condition to get worse, you need to know what foods to avoid when you have acne. A variety of foods that should be avoided when you have acne Various types of food, especially food that contains processed carbohydrates, a lot of sugar, or certain types of fat, you need to avoid when you have acne. The problem is, this type of food with a high glycemic index can increase blood sugar and insulin levels, which make androgen hormones more active. If androgen hormones are more active, the production of sebum in the skin will increase and worsen acne skin conditions. To be more clear, here are some foods that should be avoided when you have acne: 1. White bread White bread is classified as a processed carbohydrate that quickly increases blood sugar and insulin levels. Therefore, consumption of white bread when the skin is acne-prone is said to worsen the condition. If you still want to eat bread, it's best to choose wheat bread with a lower glycemic index, yes. You can also choose bread with a low sugar content or without adding too much sweetener, including jam or sweetened condensed milk. 2. White rice Just like white bread, white rice is also a processed carbohydrate because it is low in dietary fiber. This is why the consumption of white rice can increase blood sugar levels and worsen acne skin conditions, especially if consumed excessively. For the time being, you can replace the carbohydrate source of white rice with red rice or brown rice. 3. Cookies All cakes made with flour, butter, milk, and added sweeteners include foods high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fat. It tastes really good, but unfortunately the glycemic index of this type of food is high enough that it can trigger an increase in insulin and worsen acne. 4. Chips For those of you who like to snack on chips when you have spots, try to avoid them first, yes. The problem is, chips also include a range of processed carbohydrate foods that can increase insulin and make androgen hormones more active. After your skin improves, you can eat chips as long as you don't overdo it. 5. Dairy products Although the glycemic index is low, cow's milk and its processed products can still worsen the condition of acne-prone skin. This is because cow's milk can trigger hormonal changes and cause inflammation in the body. On the skin, the consumption of cow's milk can increase the production of sebum or natural oil in the skin, thus triggering the appearance of many new acne.    Also read : Tips, these are 15 natural ways to get rid of acne 6. Fried Fried foods are high in saturated fat and trans fat which can increase the risk of inflammation. As with dairy products, inflammation from eating too much fried food can clog skin pores and cause more acne. 7. Fast food It is no stranger that fast food can cause various health disorders. In addition, this food is also high in calories and can affect hormone levels in the body. Hormonal changes can make the skin prone to acne. This is why fast food is a food to avoid when you have acne. 8. Chocolate Chocolate is one of the foods that should be avoided when you have acne. Most chocolate is processed and made with lots of added sugar and sweeteners. This high level of sugar and fat can make the skin more prone to acne. If you want to snack on chocolate, it's best to choose pure dark chocolate without additional sweeteners or just a little sugar. Not only is it safer for the skin, this chocolate is also better for the health of the body because it does not make blood sugar levels rise quickly. Those are some foods that should be avoided when you have acne. Instead, you can eat foods that are good for acne prone skin, such as nuts, oatmeal, vegetables, fatty fish, or foods high in probiotics . It's not like you ca n't eat peanuts if you have spots , right? This is just a myth, yes. People who are acne-prone are highly recommended to consume nuts, such as peanuts, soybeans, or almonds. The thing is, nuts are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, protein, and selenium that can improve skin tissue and regulate hormone levels to be more balanced. In addition to eating foods that are good for acne-prone skin, you should also routinely clean acne-prone skin with mild soap, not hold or squeeze pimples, and use noncomedogenic sunscreen when outdoors. If you don't eat the foods that should be avoided when you have acne, but your acne gets worse, don't hesitate to consult a doctor , yes. It is possible that there are other factors that cause acne and make you have to get treatment directly from a doctor.

| Healthy

5 Ways to Get Rid of Tingling in Your Fingers

5 Ways to Get Rid of Tingling in Your Fingers, How to get rid of tingling in your fingers can be done with simple steps. Although generally not a dangerous complaint, tingling in the fingers can cause discomfort and interfere with activities. This is the reason why handling steps need to be taken. Tingling in the fingers will cause numbness accompanied by pain like being pricked by a needle. This condition generally occurs in a short time, but in some cases, this condition can also last for several minutes and even recur. To overcome this, there are several ways to get rid of tingling in your fingers that you can do 5 Ways to Get Rid of Tingling in Your Fingers . How to Get Rid of Tingling in Your Fingers Temporary tingling can be caused by pressure on the nerves of the fingers, for example because the fingers are crushed while sleeping. Meanwhile, prolonged tingling or frequent recurrence can be a symptom of certain diseases , including carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis . Treatment for tingling fingers depends on the underlying cause. However, in general there are several ways you can get rid of tingling in your fingers, namely: 1. Wiggle your fingers The way to get rid of tingling in your fingers is to shake or move your hands slowly. Shaking your hands can relieve pressure on the nerves and improve blood flow so that tingling in your fingers is resolved. 2. Stretch your fingers Stretching your fingers can be a way to get rid of tingling in your fingers. To do this, spread your fingers as wide as possible and hold them in this position for 10 seconds. After that, clench your fingers into a fist and move your wrist clockwise 10 times and do it in the opposite direction. This method can reduce finger muscle tension as well as pressure on the nerves in the fingers and wrist. 3. Rest your fingers Tingling in the fingers triggered by CTS can be relieved by resting the hands for a while. This complaint can appear when doing repetitive movements, such as typing or playing a musical instrument . After that, stretch your hands to increase blood flow to your hands. 4. Give a warm compress Warm compresses can help increase blood circulation to the fingers so that the stabbing pain caused by tingling can subside. The way to do this is simply to soak a clean towel in a bowl filled with warm water, then compress it on your fingers for a few minutes until the discomfort subsides. 5. Massage your fingers Massage can be a way to get rid of tingling in the fingers. Massaging your fingers can help improve blood circulation and stimulate the nervous system, so that the tingling sensation can subside. After using methods to eliminate tingling in the fingers, this complaint generally subsides and the fingers feel more comfortable. Apart from doing the method above, you can also apply the following steps to prevent tingling in your fingers: Change your body position frequently and avoid pressing or being in a position that can put stress on your fingers for too long. Take breaks every 15 minutes when doing repetitive movements, including typing. Use a pad when using the mouse and adjust the keyboard position as comfortably as possible. Drink ginger tea to improve blood circulation, while stimulating the nervous system. Consume foods rich in vitamin B3 , vitamin B12, and vitamin E, to maintain a healthy nervous system, including the nerves in the fingers. If the tingling in your fingers interferes with your activities, you can take over-the - counter pain relievers . You can also take tingling medicine which contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12, to maintain the health of the nervous system, including preventing tingling in the fingers. However, before taking this medicine, consult a doctor first to ensure that the medicine you are taking is appropriate for your health condition. Apart from that, if you have tried to get rid of tingling in your fingers as mentioned previously, but the complaint does not improve or you suspect that the tingling is caused by a certain medical condition, you should see a doctor to get an appropriate examination and treatment.

| Education

7 Easy Ways to Learn Korean languages

7 Easy Ways to Learn Korean languages, Korean is one of the most popular international languages. This happens in line with the spread of pop culture, k pop, and Korean drama which is increasingly global. So, if you are interested in learning Korean, the following article will discuss the initial methods and steps to learn it. For that, see the article 7 Easy Ways to Learn Korean languages below. Easy Steps to Start Learning Korean Quoting from Ling's page, here are some tips you can try to start learning Korean: 1. Learn the Korean Alphabet (Hangul) When starting to learn Korean, the first and most important thing to learn is the Korean alphabet (hangul). The Korean alphabet is different from English in writing and pronunciation.For that, you need to learn hangul to speak and write in Korean. Hangul consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels, as well as several double consonants and vowel combinations.Although it seems complicated at first, Hangeul is actually well designed and relatively easy to learn. Understand how to read and write each character. 2. Learn Basic Korean Words The next step is to increase your Korean vocabulary. To do this, you can set a goal for yourself and memorize a certain number of words per day or per week.Start by learning the most commonly used vocabulary in everyday situations. Words for greeting, asking for help, shopping, eating at a restaurant, and others will really help you when interacting with native speakers.So, here are some basic vocabulary that you should know: 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) means: hello 너 (neo) means: you 네 pronounced 'ne' means: yes, yes 아니요 (aniyo) means: no/not 안녕 하세요 (annyeong haseyo) means: how are you? 맛있다 (mas-issda) means: delicious 잘 지내습니다 (chal chinaeseumnida) means: good news 어서 오세요 (eoseo oseyo) means: welcome 또 만납시다 (tto manapsida) means: until we meet again (formal) 이름이 뭐예요? (ileum-i mwoyeyo?) means: what is your name? 너어디서? (neo eodyseo?) means: where are you now?, where are you? 식사하셨나요? (sigsahasyeossnayo?) means: have you eaten? 축하합니다 ! (chukhahamnida) means: congratulations! 축하해 (chukkae) means: congratulations (informal) 사랑해요 (saranghaeyo) means: I love you, I love you 사랑해 (saranghae) means: I love you 감사합니다 (kamsahamnida) means: thank you 천만에요 (cheonmaneyo) means: you're welcome 고마워 (gomawo) means: thank you (informal). 3. Learn Korean Grammar Like other languages, Korean also has its own rules that must be followed. This applies when forming sentences, using verbs, and learning about pronouns. Understanding grammar helps you construct correct sentences and understand the message in conversations. 4. Try composing sentences in Korean Once you've finished learning some basic grammar rules, you can start trying to construct sentences in Korean. Practice can begin with formal grammar with standard rules. The more practice, the better the results will be. 5. Practice Speaking and Listening Try to speak with a native speaker if possible or practice online. Listening to music, watching films and TV shows in Korean can also help you recognize the rhythm and intonation of the language. 6. Try Writing on Graph Paper As we know, words in Korean are written in blocks from left to right. Well, paper with loose block sheets can help you practice Korean handwriting.   Also read: 7 Easy Tips for Learning German Languages 7. Watch Korean Language Tutorial Videos It cannot be denied that videos are an important resource for learning a new language. Moreover, it can be accessed at any time. From this video, we can increase our knowledge and understanding of the Korean language. If you have access, consider taking a Korean language class. This class can give you more structured guidance, the opportunity to practice with classmates, and guidance from an experienced instructor. 9. Learn Korean Culture In addition to learning the language, take time to understand Korean vocabulary culture. This will help you understand more deeply about ways of communication, customs, and social context in everyday conversations. 10. Exercise routine As with learning any language, consistency is key. Take time every day to learn new vocabulary, practice reading, writing, speaking and listening. Engaging in the language regularly will help you speed up the learning process.List of Alphabets and Numbers in Korean The following are the letters and numbers used in daily formal and informal conversation Alphabetical List in Korean Consonant ㄴ (nieun): sounds like the letter n ㄹ (rieul): sounds like the letter l or r ㄱ (giyeok): sounds like the letter g, but hard ㄷ (digeut): sounds like the letter d ㅁ (mieum): sounds like the letter m ㅂ (bieup): sounds like the letter b or p ㅈ (jieut): sounds like the letter j ㅎ (hieut): sounds like the letter h ㅅ (shiot): sounds like the letter s or like sh ㅌ (Thieut): sounds like the letter t ㅇ (Ieung): sounds like ng ㅋ (Khieuk): sounds like k+h ㅊ (Ch'ieut): sounds like the letters ch+t ㅍ (Phieup): sounds like the letter p. Each of the consonants above can also be combined to form new consonants. The combined form is: ㄱㄱ: (initial) kk, (latin) k ㄷㄷ: (initials) tt ㅂㅂ: (initials) pp ㅅㅅ: (initials) ss, (latin) t ㅈㅈ: (initials) jj. Vocals ㅏ: sound "a" ㅑ: sounds like "yes" ㅓ: sounds like "eo" ㅕ: sounds like "yeo" ㅣ : sounds "i" (ee) ㅗ : sound "o" ㅛ : sounds like "yo" ㅜ : sounds "u" (woo) ㅠ : sounds "yu" (yoo) ㅡ : sounds "eu" (like "eu" in Sundanese). List of Numbers in Korean Apart from knowing Hangul letters, you also have to learn numbers in Korean. Please remember, Koreans use two different groups of cardinal numbers, this depends on the situation or things involved. For example, Korean numbers are used for greater numbers of an object (between 1 and 99) and age. For this, you can use:One = 하나 "hana"Two = 둘 "dool"Three = 셋 "se(t)"("t" does not need to be pronounced)Four = 넷 "ne(t)"Five = 다섯 "da-seo(t)"Six = 여섯 "yeoh-seo(t)"Seven = 일곱 "il-gop"Eight = 여덟 "yeoh-deohlb"Nine = 아홉 "ahop"Ten = 열 "yeohl" Furthermore, to say things related to dates, money, addresses, telephone numbers and numbers above 100, you can use the Sino-Korean form. That is: One = 일 "il" Two = 이 "ee" Three = 삼 "sam" Four = 사 "sa" Five = 오 "oh" Six = 육 "come on" Seven = 칠 "chil" Eight = 팔 "pal" Nine = 구 "goo" (usually "koo") Ten = 십 "ship" So, those are the initial steps you need to understand when starting to learn Korean. Easy isn't it? Good luck and don't forget to practice, detikers.

| Healthy

7 Healthy Ways to Increase Appetite

7 Healthy Ways to Increase AppetiteIncreasing appetite can be done in various ways. One way is to adjust the food menu and eating pattern. Apart from that, there are various healthy tips that you can apply to stimulate your appetite.There are many factors that can reduce or increase appetite, such as physical conditions and psychological factors. For example, when we are sick or stressed , we tend to have no appetite to eat.In addition, side effects of medications, available food choices, or deficiencies in certain nutrients also contribute to high or low appetite here it is 7 Healthy Ways to Increase Appetite.How to Increase AppetiteDon't let your appetite disappear for days because it can cause your body to become malnourished and experience health problems. Here are some ways that can help increase appetite:1. Exercise regularlyPlease note that exercise can increase appetite. This is because physical activity such as exercise can burn calories and drain energy, so the body will feel hungry and need to eat.Exercise also helps the body release chemicals in the brain that can help improve mood and stimulate appetite. Try taking a leisurely walk or doing other light exercise such as yoga , 60 minutes before meal time.2. Take vitamin supplements to increase appetiteDeficiency of several types of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can reduce appetite. Therefore, you can take several types of supplements to increase appetite , such as zinc , multivitamins, fish oil and echinacea .Of course, you are advised to consult a doctor first before taking appetite-increasing supplements.3. Eat more often with smaller portionsLarge portions of food tend to make someone unappetizing, especially someone who doesn't have an appetite. To work around this, try dividing 3 large meals into 6-7 small portions a day and don't skip breakfast to increase your appetite.4. Avoid drinking lots of water before or while eatingDrinking water before eating or between meals can make your stomach feel full, resulting in reduced appetite. Therefore, it is recommended to limit water consumption at least 30 minutes before eating.5. Provide your favorite foodThis method is the easiest to do to increase appetite . Provide a stock of your favorite foods in a place that is easy to see and reach so that you are more tempted to eat them.Another trick, try looking at photos or videos of food and cooking. This method can arouse and increase your appetite too.  Also read : Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Right Here6. Prepare interesting foodTo increase your appetite, try making your food look more attractive. For example, colorful food can make you want to eat, even though you don't feel hungry.7. Create a new atmosphere while eatingApart from preparing food, you can also set the dining table like it's a candle light dinner by lighting candles on the dining table. Then perfect it by playing your favorite music. If your appetite has not returned to normal even though you have used the methods to increase your appetite above, you should consult further with your doctor . The doctor will find out the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

| Education

7 Easy Tips for Learning German Languages

7 Easy Tips for Learning German, If you want to learn German then one of the biggest challenges is communication. The first two years you will definitely find it difficult to communicate. Even though you can understand conversations in German , your ability to respond will usually be very limited.Usually you will respond with short answers like "Nein/Ja" and don't dare to convey complete sentences, because German conversation is more difficult than English conversation . Regarding this problem, of course you don't need to worry because there are several 7 easy tips for learning German languages.7 Easy Ways to Learn German Quickly1. Pronunciation/PronunciationGerman actually has a pronunciation that is similar to Indonesian. However, there are several syllables that are different from Indonesian, namely ", ä, z, j, ü, öst, w". For example, "Stuhl" which means chair. The “S” there should be read “She” in English and followed by “thul”.2. Listen, read and write a lotYou can be helped by reading, writing and listening. You can watch German TV shows live or now there are lots of German TV shows and films that have been dubbed into German.German TV can be a good medium for learning German. Reading usually starts with short texts of around 100-600 words. Also try to understand the vocabulary and grammar used.3. Understand grammar and vocabulary without explanation in IndonesianIt's better to learn German by using German. The point is to try to interpret the words in German. What can help is to use images. Try not to confuse German and Indonesian grammar.For example, "Can I change seats?" So if it is interpreted one by one, "ich kann den Sitzplatz umziehen". In German “umziehen” is not used so it is just “Ich danke du”.4. Trying to TalkWhen you already listen, read and write it would be good if you speak German. Invite your friends who are learning German to communicate too. Not all Germans are easy to understand and communicate with. Just a 3-5 minute conversation will really help you.  Also read : 7 Tips for Self-Taught Chinese Language5. Learn the Correct VocabularyIt is better to find vocabulary that is familiar and often used in conversation so that you will be able to easily communicate with German people.6. Look for Vocabulary Relationships with Each OtherYou should know the basic words subconsciously. Examples are sick, expensive, and child which are the same as other German languages. The word late is the same as the word late in Indonesian.7. The Importance of Learning VariationVariation in learning is needed to avoid boredom. You can use 3 variations, namely material, activities and position variations. These are easy tips that you can understand in learning German. Some things are very easy for you to do and enthusiasm for learning is definitely the main thing. By following the tips above, your German language skills will be as proficient as your English.

| Healthy

8 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Scars Effectively

8 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Scars Effectively How to get rid of blackened scars can be done in various ways, ranging from natural to medical actions. This treatment depends on the severity of the scar, its location, and its cause. Blackened scars are caused by increased melanin production after the skin is injured. This increase in melanin can be triggered by exposure to excess sunlight while the wound is still in the healing process. Although scars can fade on their own, how to get rid of dark scars is often needed because the scars can disturb the appearance. The formation of scars can be influenced by several factors, such as how to treat the wound, the type of scar, the location of the wound, and the cause of the wound here are 8 ways to get rid of dark scars . How to Get Rid of Blackened Scars How to get rid of blackened scars should be adapted to the type and cause. Blackened scars can be removed in several ways, ranging from the use of natural ingredients to medical treatment. Here are some ways to get rid of black scars: 1. Apply aloe vera gel Aloe vera is one of the natural ingredients that has many benefits for skin health. According to a study, aloe vera can speed up the wound healing process. This benefit is obtained thanks to the glucomannan compound content in aloe vera which is able to increase collagen production in the scar area. In addition, the aloin and aloesin compounds in aloe vera that are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant will also disguise blackened scars. To use it, you just need to apply aloe vera gel to the scar area. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water. You can repeat this method of getting rid of blackened scars 2 times a day. 2. Apply honey How to get rid of black scars can also be done by applying honey . This natural substance that has a sweet taste has a number of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, so it can optimize the wound healing process and remove blackened scars. You can use honey as a way to get rid of blackened scars by applying honey to the scar area before going to bed at night, then cover it with a bandage. Leave overnight and rinse in the morning using warm water. You can do this every night until the scars fade. 3. Coconut oil Coconut oil can also be one of the ways to get rid of blackened scars. Coconut oil is believed to be able to increase collagen production which can reduce fine lines on the skin and make the skin tone more even. How to use it is quite easy. You just need to apply coconut oil to the blackened scar area, then massage it gently for 10 minutes. Repeat this method 2–4 times daily until the scars fade. 4. Silicone gel In addition to using natural ingredients, you can also use silicone gel as a way to get rid of blackened scars. Research shows that silicone gel can even out the texture, color, and reduce the thickness of scars. To use it, simply apply silicone gel to the scar area according to the instructions for use written on the packaging. If the scar is on a closed area, wait until the gel is completely dry before you dress. 5. Retinoid ointment Retinoids are commonly used to treat acne scars. This medicine can also be used as a way to get rid of blackened scars due to its exfoliation effect.    Also read : Tips Effective Methods To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Before using it, you need to consult with a doctor first to get the dose and method of using retinoid that is suitable for the condition of your scar. 6. Corticosteroid injection How to get rid of blackened scars can be done by injecting corticosteroids into the scar area. In addition to being able to flatten the texture of the scar, this procedure can also fade the color of the scar. The doctor will inject corticosteroid drugs using a small needle periodically. Scars will generally fade within a few months after the procedure. 7. Microneedling Microneedling can also be done as a way to get rid of blackened scars. This procedure is a type of treatment that uses fine needles to make small punctures in the skin. The purpose is to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which can make the texture of the scar smoother. In order not to feel pain or prevent discomfort during the procedure, the doctor will apply anesthetic to the scar area before microneedling is performed. After that, the doctor will make punctures using a special tool and continue by applying serum to calm the skin. 8. Chemical peeling Chemical peeling is a procedure performed to remove the outermost layer of skin. This therapy can also be done as a way to get rid of blackened scars. This therapy is done by applying a chemical solution containing glycolic acid or salicylic acid to the skin for a few minutes. Those are some effective ways to get rid of black scars that you can do. To optimize these methods, you also need to protect the scar area from excessive exposure to sunlight because it can trigger hyperpigmentation . To find out how to get rid of blackened scars or when you have done various efforts but have not yet yielded results, it is best to consult a doctor . In that way, the doctor can give the right advice for further treatment.

| Technology

10 iPhone Tricks to Make Everything Easier

10 iPhone Tricks to Make Everything, The iPhone has many features which unfortunately are often hidden so they are rarely used. Even though this feature can actually make it easier for users to carry out tasks.Here are a number of iPhone tricks you can use to make things easier than before 10 iphone trick to make everything easier.Tips & Trick For New Ios User1. Caps LockIf you want to fill out the form in all capital letters, it's certainly a hassle to press the shift key. To change the keyboard to the Caps Lock key, just press the Shift key twice.2. Scan the documentHave you ever had to send a document in digital form but couldn't find a scanner? Just use your iPhone. Just open the Notes application, then press the create a new note icon in the bottom left corner.Next press the + icon followed by the camera symbol. Select the Scan Document option. Point the camera at the document you want to scan.Make sure the yellow color on the screen highlights the document. Tap the shutter button, the iPhone will immediately scan.3. Sign the DocumentNeed to sign a digital document? Take advantage of the Files application. How to download documents to Files.Once downloaded, open the document. Click the pencil or Markup logo at the top right, then click the + icon.Next select the Signature option. Make a signature with your finger, click Done and the signature will stick to the document. Adjust its position so that it is positioned correctly.4. Backspace button in CalculatoriPhone has a built-in Calculator app. But the application does not include a backspace button, making users confused if they want to delete numbers if a press error occurs.To delete wrongly pressed numbers, just swipe to the left of the number area. Instantly the last number displayed will be deleted.5. Magnifying GlassHave you ever encountered text that is so small that it is difficult for the eye to read? Use your iPhone as a magnifying glass to help you read small text.You just need to open your iPhone's main settings, then click Accessibility. Tap Magnifier, then activate it. Next, just open the Magnifier application, then point the object at the cellphone camera.   Also read : 7 Best Gaming Phones 2023, Powerful for Heavy Games6. TrackpadYou can turn your iPhone into a trackpad as long as it has iOS 12 or later. Start typing an email or text message, then press and hold your finger on the space bar on the iPhone keyboard. Instantly the keyboard area becomes like a trackpad, you can direct the cursor as you wish.7. Flashlight BrightnessWe can adjust the brightness of the light in the flashlight feature on the iPhone. To do this, swipe to the top right of the screen, long press the flashlight icon.Then move up and down to adjust the brightness level of the flashlight.8. Tracking StepsThe iPhone can automatically track steps, just like a smartband does. Open the Health app installed on your iPhone to see how many steps your phone has recorded each day.9. Flip a CoinNeed to lose coins but don't have cash with you? iPhone could be a replacement. Just tell Apple's virtual assistant, "Hey Siri, flip a coin!" He will then give you the results of a virtual coin toss.10. Launch Apps Quickly Many applications are sometimes confusing to find which one to use. If so, just press the search icon at the bottom of the screen. Or drag the screen from top to bottom until the search bar appears. Type the application you want to open.

| Healthy

Drinking Cold Water Makes You Fat, is it True?

Drinking Cold Water Makes You Fat, is it True?, There is an opinion that frequently drinking ice water makes you fat. It is said that ice water can increase fat levels in the body so that body weight increases. However, is this true? The cold and refreshing sensation when drinking ice water makes this drink a choice for quenching thirst, especially in hot weather. However, some say that if you drink ice water it will make you fat. This assumption makes some people hesitate to drink it, especially people who are on a diet Drinking Cold Water Makes You Fat, is it True?. The Facts Behind Drinking Ice Water Makes You Fat Drinking ice water when the weather is hot is really refreshing, isn't it? However, because of the rumors circulating, you might think twice about drinking ice water. In fact, the news that drinking ice water makes you fat is wrong. To increase body weight, you need to consume high-calorie foods or drinks that contain fat, carbohydrates or protein. However, these three ingredients are not found in ice water. Just like normal temperature water, ice water or cold water does not contain calories. Ice water actually contains a number of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and copper, which are good for health. This means that drinking ice water does not make you fat because ice water does not contain calories that can increase weight. In fact, frequently drinking ice water is believed to reduce body weight, you know . This assumption comes from research which states that when drinking ice water, the body needs more energy to adjust the temperature of the water drunk to body temperature. Therefore, drinking ice water can burn a few calories. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that drinking ice water makes you fat, which is not true. As long as you only drink cold water, weight gain won't happen. However, if you add various flavored syrups to ice water, this drink will certainly contain calories which can contribute to weight gain. Especially if you add other mixtures to this drink, such as fruit or nata de coco . Well, you've got the answer, right? If you still have questions about drinking ice water and its relationship to weight gain or about other health benefits of drinking ice water, don't hesitate to ask your doctor .

| Music

Tips for Learning to Play Drums Self-Taught for Beginners

Tips for Learning to Play Drums Self-Taught for BeginnersAre you interested in learning drums but don't want to pay a lot for lessons? You can learn it, Come on, take a look at my financial article below. Who knows, if you learn this month, next month you'll be able to play the drums here Tips for Learning to Play Drums Self-Taught for Beginners.5 Tips for Learning Drums for BeginnersThe drum instrument is a musical instrument that is not easy to master. It requires proper learning and consistency in learning the drums.Many people think that learning drums requires taking lessons or attending an academy. In fact, there are many people who can play drum instruments by learning by self-teaching.So, for those of you who want to start learning drums by yourself, let's try following the tips below.You don't need to pay tutors or pay academy fees, just consistency and a high desire.#1 Get to know the parts of the drumBefore practicing further, you must first become familiar with the parts of the drum instrument. If you don't know, you don't love, right? Get to know all the parts and start playing the drums. There are many types of 'Tom-Tom Drums', but three are the most common The three types of Tom-tom are Floor Tom which produces the lowest sound of the three tom-toms, Mid-Tom produces the middle sound of the three tom-toms and High-Tom produces the highest sound of the three tom-toms.In a basic drum kit there is only a floor tom . In a complete drum kit there are many tom-toms. Each tom-tom is tuned differently to produce a different array of sounds to be played. Snare Drums The snare drum is usually located on the drummer's non-dominant side and is hit with a stick in the non-dominant hand as well. The snare is a tight drum and produces a bright sound accompanied by a resonant beat from the drum. Bass Drums The bass drum produces a low-pitched thumping sound when hit with a foot-controlled instrument. Hi-hat Hi-hat type cymbals are a pair of cymbals that are attached to the foot pedals. The foot pedal is used to control the cymbals and is usually played with the left foot.When pressed, the cymbals will blend together. When not pressed, the cymbals will separate.You can hit the cymbals when they come together or apart and you can hit the cymbals with your feet at different speeds. Each will produce a different sound. Ride cymbals This cymbal produces a smoother and deeper sound compared to other types of cymbals . This is because this cymbal is played repeatedly in many songs.These cymbals usually vibrate when hit until they are hit again, producing a long “finish” of sound vibrations. Splash Splash cymbals are cymbals that produce a "plunging" sound, similar to the sound of plunging into water. The sound fades quickly and is usually used as an addition to the basic sound in your beat. Crashes Cymbal crash is similar to a splash, but produces a loud, long continuous sound. Listen to the crash at the end of a pop song or an art drama with orchestral music during a tense atmosphere. Drum Sticks It turns out that controlling drum sticks is not easy, my financial friend. There are 2 ways to hold drum sticks.The first is the Matched Grip method , this method begins by holding the stick a few cm from the bottom of the stick between your thumb and forefinger.After that, you can hold the stick with the remaining fingers. This is the most common way to hold drum sticks, giving you comfortable wrist control.The second way is the traditional way, namely by holding the drum stick with your non-dominant hand between your thumb and forefinger and on top of your ring finger.Close your thumb, index and middle finger around the stick. Hold the other drum stick using a matched grip .#2 Learn and Practice RhythmThe main key to playing drums is to get used to practicing the rhythm.Learn how to count 1/4 or 1/8 beats or other beat variations.To learn and practice rhythm, you can look on YouTube to imitate any kind of rhythm in playing drums.Once you know the rhythm, feel it well and after that try to apply it to your drum playing.#3 Practice the Right WayPractice properly, use a metronome so you can play stably at the same tempo. Apart from the metronome, you can also use a click track .Continue to practice good tapping and practice your feet with the hi-hat pedal. This is the position most often used by drummers.Develop your foot flow and try changing your way of playing.#4 Create a Good Habit in Playing DrumsIf you want to become a skilled drummer, you need to get used to the following things. Playing a Good Snare Drum Basic “single” strokes and “double” strokes are essential for developing the habits of your limbs and the complexity of drumming. Combining Both Feet You should be able to perform a double, triple, or even quadruple movement with one part of your body.While the rest of your body is doing other things on different parts of the drum. So it is very important to train to combine both feet when playing drums. Performing Kick Drums Experiment with varying beats using your right foot while the rest of your body is locked playing the main pattern. Here, the difficulties begin.However, don't worry, because the more you play the easier it will be. You have to get used to your body parts moving by themselves.   Also read : Tips Ways To Learn Guitar For Beginners. Easy And Fast!#5 After Knowing the Basic Rhythms, Learn More Difficult RhythmsIf you have started to master basic rhythms, then learn more difficult rhythms.You can learn triplet beats, 1/16 beats and 1/32 beats. If you are confused, look at the videos of drum experts.

| Healthy

10 Ways to Enlarge Breasts

10 Ways to Enlarge Breasts There are various ways to enlarge breasts, from natural to surgical. Some women who have small breasts are willing to use various ways to enlarge their breasts. Because, many people still believe that breast size is associated with a woman's sexual attractiveness.   Each woman's breast size is different, depending on body weight, body fat, hormones, age, genetics, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Ways to enlarge breasts can range from natural methods such as exercise or using dressing tricks to make your breasts look bigger, to medical procedures including breast enlargement surgery 10 ways to enalarge breasts. Various Ways to Enlarge Breasts The following are various ways to enlarge breasts that can be done: 1. Using a push-up bra Small breast size can be overcome manually or by engineering the appearance. One trick is to use a push-up bra. Push-up bras are bras with thicker foam. This foam is useful as a cushion that lifts the breasts, so that the breasts look bigger and fuller. However, because it is just a workaround, the actual breast size does not change. 2. Use a bra pad Some women enlarge the appearance of their breasts by adding pads  to their bras to increase breast volume. Pads can be made of foam and silicone. This method of enlarging your breasts is considered economical because you only need to buy 1 pair of bra pads to use for all your types of bras. 3. Improve body posture Bad posture, such as bending over, causes the breasts to not be supported properly. Breasts that are not well supported are more at risk of sagging. Improve your posture by standing and sitting upright, making the muscles that support your breasts work better. As a result, the breasts will appear firmer and bigger. 4. Using bra tape Bra tape is a special piece of tape that is attached to the skin to lift the breasts. Its use can be adjusted to the type of clothing you want to wear. Here's an example: For clothes with v-neckcollars , cut the tape long enough to reach from under the bust to the shoulders. Lift your breasts as much as you feel is necessary, then apply the tape starting from under your breasts. For strapless or backlessclothing , cut out a piece of tape that is long enough to reach both breasts. Lift the breasts so that they are gathered in the middle. Place the tape starting from the left breast to the right breast. Then, add more tape from the bottom to the top of the breast until the entire breast is covered and the nipple does not appear protruding. 5. Using makeup Using makeup can be a way to enlarge breasts instantly. You simply use contour cream and highlight cream to create the illusion that your breasts are big.   Also read : 7 Effective Ways to Shrink a Bloated Stomach 6.  Do push-ups Breasts consist of fat tissue, not muscle. Therefore, exercise cannot actually enlarge the breasts directly but rather trains the chest muscles to make them bigger. Proper exercise can train the chest muscles that support the breasts, as well as the back and shoulder muscles. Exercising the area can help your breasts appear larger and firmer. One sport that can train the chest is push-ups . Regularly doing  push-ups can be a way to enlarge your breasts because the target of the push-up movement  is the chest muscles . Here's how to do push-ups correctly to enlarge breasts: Position your body on your stomach with your chest and stomach pressed to the floor. Place your palms on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders and knees. Raise your body slowly using the help of your arm muscles, while exhaling. Slowly lower your body back to the original position while inhaling. Keep your neck and back in a straight position. Do this movement 8–10 times (1 set), repeat 2 sets. 7.  Do dumbbell chest presses The movement of lifting dumbbells can be a way to enlarge breasts naturally. This is because weight training using dumbbells can tighten the chest muscles that support the breasts. Before starting exercise, prepare dumbbells with a weight depending on your ability. If you are not used to exercising, start with a weight that feels light. Sit on a long chair on a flat surface or lie down on the floor. Lie down so that your back is flat against the surface of the chair or floor. When lying down, knees are bent and the soles of the feet are flat on the floor. Hold dumbbells in both hands with your elbows bent 90 degrees. Raise the dumbbells so that your arms are in a straight position, then lower them back to their original position. Do this movement 12 times (1 set), repeat 3 sets. 8. Do yoga Yoga is a type of exercise that helps improve body posture. The cobra movement in yoga can also help tighten the chest muscles. Here's how to do it: Start by lying on your stomach, legs slightly apart, and toes pressed against the floor. Place your hands at your sides with your elbows bent. Begin to lift your head and chest off the floor while pulling your shoulders back. While doing so, straighten your arms. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and return to the start. Repeat 3 times. Apart from being a way to enlarge breasts, yoga can also be done by women who feel their breasts are sagging after pregnancy and breastfeeding. 9. Consuming certain foods Eating nutrient-rich foods can help you maintain healthy breast tissue, so your breasts stay firm. The following are the nutrients needed and the types of food: Omega-3 fatty acids are found in nuts, fish and soybeans Monounsaturated fats in avocado and eggs Antioxidants in vegetables and fruits 10. Undergo surgery So far, surgery is still the most effective way to enlarge breasts. Surgery to enlarge the breasts is carried out by placing implants in the breast tissue or chest muscles. Implant results can last up to 10 years. There are two types of breast implants , namely: Silicone implants in gel form Sterile saline or salt water implants Breast enlargement surgery performed by a surgeon is safe, but this procedure still has risks. These risks include bleeding, infection, breast tissue shrinking around the implant, implant leakage, and incision scars on the breast. Apart from the various ways to enlarge breasts above, there are also breast enlargement supplements and creams. These creams and supplements contain chemical or natural ingredients that are believed to stimulate breast growth . Unfortunately, the effectiveness of using breast enlargement creams or supplements has not been proven. On the other hand, its use may cause side effects on health. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before using breast enlargement cream. You can also do a consultation to get fast and effective results, if the various ways to enlarge your breasts above are not able to provide the desired results.

| Healthy

Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Even if You Are Addicted

Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Even if You Are Addicted If you want to stop smoking, there are several effective ways to stop smoking that you can try. You can start by making a list of reasons to stop smoking and asking for help from a doctor. Quitting smoking  is not an easy thing to do. However, efforts to quit smoking can be achieved if you have strong determination and the desire to have a healthier body. In implementing effective ways to stop smoking, you also need the help of a doctor and support from those closest to you to be able to stop this unhealthy habit. Various Effective Ways to Quit Smoking Effective ways to stop smoking are divided into three important steps, namely preparing to stop smoking, quitting, and continuing to stop smoking. To achieve these three steps, you can do the following things: 1. Make a list of reasons to stop smoking The first effective way to stop smoking is to write down the reasons why you want to stop smoking and remember those reasons wherever you go. These reasons can be motivation to make it easier for you to stop smoking. In addition, it is recommended to get rid of all things related to smoking, such as ashtrays and lighters. You can also set a target time for when you will start to stop smoking and when you will completely stop this habit. Don't forget to tell friends, relatives and family that you are in the stage of quitting smoking so they can provide support and not offer you cigarettes . 2. Avoid smoking triggers The next effective way to stop smoking is to avoid factors that can trigger you to smoke again, such as hanging out with fellow smokers or consuming coffee and alcoholic drinks. If you are used to smoking after eating, you can find ways to divert your desire to smoke, for example by chewing gum, eating snacks, or even brushing your teeth. When the urge to smoke comes, you can try to postpone it and keep yourself busy with other activities, such as walking, exercising, or doing something you like. 3. Try counseling Counseling can help you to identify the factors that trigger your smoking and focus on ways to stop smoking. In this case, you can ask a psychologist for help as an effective way to stop smoking. To increase success, this effort can be accompanied by  nicotine replacement therapy , for example by chewing gum, sucking on throat lozenges, or using plasters, inhalers, or nasal sprays that contain nicotine. 4. Always say 'no' to cigarettes When you decide to quit smoking, try to discipline yourself. Maybe once in a while you will be tempted to smoke and say, "just one cigarette is fine." However, put those thoughts away! Even if it's just one cigarette, smoking a cigarette can trigger you to keep smoking it again and again. 5. Anticipate nicotine withdrawal symptoms When you start to stop smoking, your body will lack nicotine. This can trigger nicotine withdrawal symptoms ( nicotine withdrawal ) which are characterized by pain, nausea, headaches, anxiety, and emotional or irritability. People who want to stop smoking will also usually experience symptoms of coughing. Generally, you will experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms within 12-24 hours after stopping smoking and will gradually subside within 2-4 weeks. Don't be tempted to go back to smoking even if you experience these annoying symptoms. Once your body gets used to being free from nicotine, these symptoms will disappear by themselves and you can be free from smoking. 6. Do relaxation therapy Quitting smoking might make you stressed . However, this can be overcome with various relaxation methods , such as getting a massage, listening to classical music, or breathing relaxation. You can also overcome this by doing light exercise, such as yoga or jogging . 7. Try hypnotherapy Another effective way to stop smoking is to undergo alternative therapy in the form of hypnotherapy . It is not yet known for certain whether this procedure is truly effective in making someone stop smoking. However, some people claim to have felt the benefits. Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do. If the various methods above have not helped or you still find it difficult to stop smoking, try consulting a doctor so that the doctor can determine an effective way to stop smoking according to your condition. Doctors can also prescribe medications, such as bupropion or varenicline , to help you quit smoking, whether e-cigarettes or tobacco cigarettes .

| Healthy

5 Benefits of Warm Water for the Face

5 Benefits of Warm Water for the Face The benefits of warm water for the face may not be widely known. In fact, warm water not only provides a relaxing sensation, but also has benefits for facial skin. Even so, there are several things you need to pay attention to when using warm water for your face. Warm water is often used for bathing when the body feels achy, has muscle pain, or as relaxation to relieve fatigue. Not only that, warm water can also be used as a facial skin care routine. The benefits of warm water for the face can be obtained if done in the right way here the 5 Benefits of Warm Water for the Face. Various Benefits of Warm Water for the Face If done correctly, there are various benefits that can be obtained from warm water for the face, including: 1. Clean pores Naturally, human skin will regenerate, one way is through the release of dead skin cells. If the skin is not cleansed properly, these cells can build up and clog pores . To clean facial pores, you can wash your face with warm water. Warm water will help open the pores and make it easier for dead skin cells, dirt and excess oil to come out of the pores. 2. Prevent the appearance of blackheads and acne The next benefit of warm water for the face is preventing the appearance of blackheads and acne. This is because warm water will make it easier to remove clogged dead skin cells and clean pores. That way, the risk of blackheads and acne appearing can be prevented. 3. Moisturizes the skin Washing the skin with warm water can also help maintain skin moisture . Using warm water can trigger skin glands to produce more oil or sebum. As a result, the skin will be naturally moisturized, while looking more shiny and radiant. 4. Absorb skin care products better Another benefit of warm water for the face that can be obtained is increasing the absorption of the skin care products you use. Warm water can increase the permeability or penetrating power of the skin. That way, the skin will absorb the active ingredients contained in skin care products, such as moisturizer, serum or sunscreen , more optimally. 5. Prevent premature aging Facial skin can look youthful with warm water. The benefits of warm water for the face are obtained thanks to the warm sensation which can improve blood flow in the face.    Also read : Tips Effective Methods To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Smooth blood flow will stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. These two proteins can help protect the skin barrier from damage and increase skin elasticity so that the skin is firmer. Wrinkles and fine lines on the skin can also be reduced. Tips for Using Warm Water for the Face As previously mentioned, the benefits of warm water for the face will be maximized if done in the right way. The following are things you need to pay attention to when using warm water for your face: Make sure the water used is warm, not hot. Water that is too hot can cause skin burns , which can make the skin feel sore, red, blistered and swollen. Don't wash your face too often, but just do it twice a day and avoid using too much warm water on your face. Washing your face too often can actually make facial skin dry and cause irritation. Use facial cleansing soap that suits your skin type. Use moisturizer after washing your face to lock in skin moisture. After knowing the benefits of warm water for the face, it would be a shame if you missed it. Make sure you follow the tips above so that you get maximum results and avoid risks that might occur as a result of using warm water for your face. If you have certain skin health problems and want to use the benefits of warm water for your face as a way to overcome them, you should consult a doctor first. The doctor will help recommend good skin care according to your skin condition.

| Music

Tips Ways To Learn Guitar For Beginners. Easy And Fast!

Tips Ways To Learn Guitar For Beginners. Easy And Fast!For those of you who just want to learn guitar and maybe have problems with how to play the guitar correctly. So this article will really help you to start learning to play the guitar the right way.We cannot deny that playing the guitar requires technique so that the sound produced is truly in harmony with the sound of other musical instruments. If this is not the case, then you can be sure that the resulting guitar plucking sound will not be able to provide comfort to anyone who hears it here it is Tips Ways To Learn Guitar For Beginners.How to Play the Guitar for BeginnersFor those of you who want to learn to play guitar, be it electric guitar, acoustic guitar or classical guitar, there are at least two simple ways you can do so that the resulting sound matches what you want.The first way to play the guitar is to pluck each string one by one using your thumb. Even though this method is very popular or common, the results themselves are less effective. Because, in practice, all fingers can be used and each finger can determine the quality of the picking sound you will get.1. Learn technique regularlyMany people just play the guitar when learning guitar. That's why they haven't progressed anywhere for years. Maybe you even know a member in the office who says he likes to play the guitar, but when you hear him play, it's not good at all!That's why, if you want to play the guitar, you have to learn things like picking, strumming, hold chords well and get a good tone.The technique is not just knowing picking but also fretboard technique, which means knowing the entire fretboard like in the Secret of Becoming a Major Scales Hero .2. Learn chords & play comfortablyMany chords you can learn. Open chords, barre chords and various other categories. But the important thing is to focus on the comfort of your hands. Don't stress until it hurts because you hold it wrong.Either get an experienced teacher to help you when you're stuck or use an 'instructional video' that fits what you're looking for.3. Know common chord progressions.Many chord progressions are well known & used by many people. Such as C Am FG, CFGC and also Am GF E.Tu are all standard chord progressions for guitarists. The longer you play guitar, the more commonplace this thing will become. Cam & memorize!4. Find songs you are interested in.If you like XPDC, learn XPDC songs. If you like Search, search for the song Search. The important thing is to use songs that interest you to improve your skills.Many people stop playing the guitar because they feel they have to learn songs that are not the best. Even if you learn a song you like, you'll be more motivated to play the guitar!5. Focus on guitarists & musicians you like.I like singer-songwriters like Elliot Smith and Ani DiFranco. In Malaysia, I like rock guitarists like Sham Kamikaze and Jamie Wilson.When you find a guitarist who has a style that interests you, study their playing & learn from what you see from them. If you can meet them again it's good, you can ask questions directly.6. Train every dayIt is not enough to train once every two weeks. It is better to practice every day even for 7 to 10 minutes like in the Hero Major Scales Challenge .Consistency is important!7. Record training sessions to study Many people are afraid to record their games because if they listen back they might be disappointed. But it's the recording that gives a mirror to your game. Record & listen back. Then you can improve your game one by one.

| Sport

7 Ways to Learn Swimming For Beginners

7 Ways to Learn Swimming For BeginnersLearning to swim may be difficult or scary for some people. But don't give up because water sports are good for muscle and heart health, as well as your safety.Learning to swim can be done by anyone, both children and adults. To be able to master this ability, of course it cannot be done in one practice. You can learn to swim in stages, starting from getting used to being in the water. Next, training can be continued by learning to float, breathe, and finally practicing techniques various swimming styles, starting from breaststroke, free, to backstroke and butterfly.Learning to swim is not only good for strengthening the heart and lungs. Mastering this sport will also help you avoid the danger of drowning or be ready when you have to rescue yourself in an emergency this is 7 Ways to Learn Swimming For Beginners.Tips and ways to learn to swim for beginnersThe following is a way to learn to swim that beginners can try.1. Get used to being in the water of a shallow poolGetting used to being in the water is the first step that needs to be taken when you learn to swim. The method is simple. You can start by standing in a pool that is not too deep, so that if you stand, your feet can still touch the bottom of the pool and your head will not enter the water. Next, while still standing, begin to submerge your face in the water. Hold for five seconds while exhaling underwater, then lift your face out of the water again. This will make you feel the sensation of breathing underwater and slowly get used to being in the water.2. Start learning to float in waterTo be able to swim, you must be able to float in water. In fact, our bodies will automatically be able to float on water, but sometimes fear makes people not dare to actually let go of their grip or set their feet off the bottom of the pool.Therefore, when you learn to float, start in a shallow pool so that if you have a reflex to stand up after trying to float for the first time, your feet can still reach the bottom of the pool. Learning to float can be started by positioning your body like a starfish with your legs and arms wide open. Try to stay in that position for a few seconds or even minutes, and feel like your body is floating on the surface of the water.If you are used to this position, then you can start learning how to float properly when swimming, namely:When floating, the position of the head, hips and legs must form a straight horizontal line (as if on your stomach or lying down).If you swim with your torso hanging or your legs down, your swimming speed will be hampered. You will also waste more energy when swimming.Try to dip your head deeper into the water to align your body if your feet are constantly lowering.If your torso continues to hang, try to train the strength of your abdominal muscles more often so that your torso can stay straight when you are in the water. a>3. Try to stay relaxedOne piece of advice that is often given to beginners learning to swim is to relax in the water. A relaxed state will prevent panic and save energy used when swimming.But the relaxed condition when swimming is not just relaxing. The reason is, you must still be able to control your body position while in the water so that it remains aligned from head to toe.4. Pay attention to good breathing techniquesHow to learn to swim well also requires paying attention to proper breathing techniques. One thing that beginner swimmers must pay attention to is not to hold their breath when their head is in the water. When your head is in the water, you should exhale. Holding your breath underwater will cause your body to slow down and cause shortness of breath. This is what makes every swimming stroke, there is a time when your head rises to the surface because that's when you can take a breath.    Also read : 5 Most Expensive Players in Malaysian League 2023, Number 1 is Jordi Amat5. Position your hands and arms so that they are parallel to your shouldersWhen swimming, lengthen your body with every movement of your arms. Keep your hands and arms parallel to your shoulders during each stroke.When your hand goes back into the water, don't let the underwater movement pass through the middle of your body.6. Pay attention to foot movementsEven though the main forces that move the body through the water are the hands and arms, don't underestimate the technique of leg movements. The mistake most often made by beginner swimmers is moving their legs too much or too excitedly.Too much leg movement will only provide a small boost to the body's speed in the water. But this activity actually uses a lot of energy and quickly increases your heart rate. The reason is, leg movements will use the large muscles in the body such as the thigh muscles.Instead, move your feet lightly and relax away from your thighs in a pointed toes position (point). No need to move your feet too excitedly. You just need to make sure your legs are always parallel to your torso.7. Use tools to learn to swimSeveral aids can help you learn to swim more easily. This tool is not a tire, because it will actually interfere with movement. Tools that can be used to learn to swim include special float boards made of plastic. You can use the board as a handle when learning to swim forward. 

| Education

7 Ways, How to Learn Arabic Quickly

7 Ways, How to Learn Arabic Quickly Learning Arabic means speaking the sixth most widely used language, spoken by more than 400 million people in the world. Even though learning Arabic can be a bit difficult, we have some quick tips and secrets that can help you learn it faster this is 7 Ways, How to Learn Arabic Quickly. How to Learn Arabic Quickly? Many people will give you different things claiming it is the best way to learn Arabic, however, you will rarely find someone who can actually tell you what is the fastest way to learn Arabic. Although the language is best learned slowly and carefully, there's no harm in trying these tips to help you make faster progress in learning Arabic. 1. Decide Which You Want to Learn: Classical or Modern? Arabic has two main types: Classical Arabic or Quranic Arabic, and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Although both are part of the Arabic language, each has its own purpose. Classical Arabic is often used in literary works, such as poetry, drama and historical works. It is rarely used widely as a spoken language; instead, standard Arabic is used. Because it is simpler, standard Arabic is more commonly used than classical Arabic. It can be found in almost every type of media, including television, films, newspapers, and radio broadcasts. Politicians use them in debates and speeches, teachers use them in the classroom, and some authors even use them in publications. Classical Arabic (Quranic) is an excellent place to start if you want to learn to read, memorize, or have a better understanding of the Quran. On the other hand, if you want to visit an Arabic-speaking country or want to learn to speak Arabic fluently, Modern Standard Arabic is the ideal choice. Since the two dialects of Arabic are very similar, once you learn one, you will be able to learn the other easily. 2. Start With Alphabets (Alphabets) People try to skip this step thinking it's a waste of time, but they end up getting confused. Arabic has 28 letters (Abjad). Each of the 28 Arabic letters has a basic shape, but this shape changes depending on whether the letter is placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. You won't be able to read an Arabic transcript without knowing every form of these letters. First, you learn letters, then form words, then use several words to form sentences with correct Arabic grammar, and so on. So you can't possibly skip the first step and expect the rest to work out. 3. Learn Tashkeel (Harokat) If you are learning how to read and speak Arabic for beginners, you may notice small symbols placed above or below the Arabic letters. Well, that's what Tashkeel is called in Arabic. They may not be found in all Arabic writings, such as the Modern Standard. and this is indispensable for writing holy books such as the Koran or for reading and understanding Hadith, as well as any text intended for beginners to read. 4. Learn How to Use an Arabic Dictionary It is included in most Arabic courses, as it is not as easy as in other languages. You need an Arabic dictionary to look up new words you don't know, and you can't do that if you don't know how to find them in the dictionary in the first place. In Arabic dictionaries, words are generally arranged based on three-letter roots (Alif, Waw, Yaa'). To look up a word, you must first determine what the root is, and what letter the root begins with, which is not always the first letter in the word. It takes practice to use a dictionary, but the sooner you learn it, the better. This will make everything easier and more fun. Also read : 7 Tips for Self-Taught Chinese Language 5. Immerse Yourself Immerse yourself in any language you want to learn, including Arabic. For example, if you want to learn as much Arabic vocabulary as possible, the ideal approach is to see it, hear it, write it and speak it. So, try to combine as many of these activities as possible to achieve the desired results. As a helpful tip:  watch children's Arabic shows and try to learn what they say. These shows tend to be simple and entertaining, aiming to teach the basics of the language in an easy way. If you are not a fan of children's shows, we recommend watching Arabic films with subtitles in a language you understand. 6. Listen to Arabic Audio If you want to know how to learn to speak Arabic quickly, you have to listen more often. There are many Arabic podcasts that use Classical and Modern Standard Arabic. You can choose which one you are interested in and make it a daily habit. Within a few weeks, you will be able to see improvements. 7. Do Your Best To Have A Conversation Even if you're still learning, do your best to have conversations with Arabic speakers to practice what you're learning. There are thousands of Arabic language learners around the world and you can contact one of them through language exchange sites, if you don't have any Arabic speaking friends. The final tip is to never lose hope. We know that Arabic can be challenging at times, but once you learn it, you will see and feel the enormous benefits.

| Education

7 Tips for Self-Taught Chinese Language

7 Tips for Self-Taught Chinese LanguageBeing the most popular language in the world, Mandarin has more than 1.4 billion speakers. Mandarin or Chinese is a language that is widely studied, especially for people involved in the world of business and commerce.Mandarin is a language that is difficult to learn. Several factors include this language having various dialects, pronunciation and intonation. Additionally, Mandarin uses characters to represent each word. There are more than fifty thousand Chinese characters. This is the difficulty for foreign language learners.Don't panic, out of tens of thousands of characters only a few thousand are used regularly. You can follow 7 Tips for Self-Taught Chinese Language below.Here some tips for learning chinese language1. Master the components in the characterComponents are a combination of several units that form a character. One component can be present in several characters at once. Components are very useful for memorizing Chinese characters, as there are much fewer of them at around 3000 components. According to the number of components, Chinese characters are divided into two, characters consisting of one component, and characters consisting of two components. You can dissect characters into two components, so that it is easier to write a sequence of stroke patterns and memorize them.Example:Characters with one component: 大 (Dà) large, 小 (Xiǎo) smallKarakter dengan dua komponen: 上 月 (Shàngwǔ) Morning, 下 う (Xiàwǔ) AfternoonCharacters with twin components: 哥 (gē - brother) component of   可 (kě - can)2. Also learn pinyinIf Chinese characters are called hanzi, then there is also pinyin. Pinyin is the Latin alphabet for understanding how to read Chinese characters. The alphabet used in pinyin is the same as the Indonesian alphabet. Even though the alphabet is the same as Indonesian, the way to spell and pronounce it is different depending on intonation and emphasis.Pinyin is very useful for beginner learners, you can easily recognize Chinese characters. Here are some examples of pinyin in brackets:We (wǒ) Me你好 (Nǐ hǎo) Hello谢谢! (Xièxie!) Thank you3. Write with a boxed bookChoose a book that has or has a checkered pattern. This really helps you in positioning the strokes on the paper. Square pattern paper also makes your writing more proportional and neat, this avoids strokes that are too long or too short. You can look for books specifically for learning Chinese characters on online platforms. 4. Write characters along with sentencesLearning to write Chinese characters one by one is a quick way to memorize Chinese characters. However, you can develop it by making one complete sentence. Writing complete sentences can help you learn grammatical structures. So, you can train in writing skills.Example:Brother drinks coffee - gē ge hē kā fēi - Brother drinking coffe.My parents live in Canada - Wǒ fù mǔ zhù zài Jiānádà - My parents live in canada.5. Mark the strikethrough sequence in charactersMandarin has several rules for writing Hanzi characters, namely writing according to the strokes or strokes of the letters. For example, from left to right, top to bottom, or horizontal to vertical.This stroke order has the benefit of making the resulting character neater and better. If you write characters in the wrong order, the characters or letters may not be read properly. There are tens of thousands of characters with almost the same shape or elements, so you have to pay more attention to stroke patterns.   Also read :  7 Tips for Effective Japanese Learning for Beginners6. Trace and write by handChinese characters have asymmetrical shapes and lines. Each component has a different way of scribbling  and curving. You can start writing characters by tracing them. This helps you understand the process of crossing out line by line to create good and correct characters.Write by hand. Even though there are many applications for learning Chinese language and characters available on smartphones. However, you must still be able to write these Chinese characters manually.7. Starting from basic vocabularyStart writing with characters and components with easy themes, for example self-identity, preferences, family. Themes that are close to your surroundings are the ones you use most often.Learning Chinese characters according to the ones you will use really helps you sort out the characters that are important to learn. Because, of the tens of thousands of Chinese characters, only a few thousand are frequently used.  Mandarin characters and characters are the main challenge for beginners to learn this language. Even though it's difficult, you can master Mandarin characters quickly if you know the tips and tricks. And don't forget to study regularly and continuously, so that you don't easily forget the characters you have studied.

| Education

7 Tips for Effective Japanese Learning for Beginners

7 Tips for Effective Japanese Learning for Beginners Providing foreign language skills is valuable capital for obtaining a bright career in the future. Moreover, if you master a popular language like Japanese. The good news is, there is a method for learning Japanese for beginners that you can practice yourself at home. Mastering Japanese by self-taught is not impossible. Moreover, currently there are many supporting facilities that you can use. Through this way of learning, you don't need to spend a lot of money to upgrade your abilities 7 Tips for Effective Japanese Learning for Beginners .  7 Tips for Learning Japanese for Beginners So, are you curious about methods for learning Japanese that you can practice at home? The following are 7 tips that you need to pay attention to:  Understand the Japanese letter system Different from Indonesian, Japanese has 3 letter systems. You also need to understand all three. The main reason is because the use of the three script systems is interrelated. In fact, it is possible that Japanese people use different letter systems at the same time.   Kanji . Kanji letters are the oldest type of script in the Japanese letter system. Kanji is a script system that is the result of the adoption of the Hanzi script from China. It's just that kanji letters have a simpler form than Hanzi.  Hiragana. Different from kanji, hiragana is the original Japanese letter system. Initially, hiragana was only used by women. However, over time, its use has expanded and since the early 10th century, hiragana has been used by people from various circles.  The emergence of hiragana letters occurred because of the difficulty of Japanese people in reading kanji letters. Hiragana has a dynamic form and is commonly used to write native Japanese words. In the Japanese letter system, there are 46 hiragana letters.  Katakana. The katakana letter system is a system that functions as a complement. Its existence again occurs because many Japanese people have difficulty understanding kanji. In its development, katakana was used by Japanese people to write loan words.  The existence of these 3 letter systems makes Japanese language have a high level of difficulty. However, you will have your own pride when you succeed in mastering it.   Build your Japanese vocabulary little by little Once you know the letter system in Japanese, you need to build your vocabulary little by little. As a first step, you can learn vocabulary that is often spoken in everyday life, including:  School: nope Elementary school: shougakkou  Middle School: Chuugakkou University: daigaku President : daitouryou Family: kazoku Siblings: kyoudai Beef: gyuuniku Chicken: Toriniku Eggs: tamago Understand Japanese Pronunciation Not only vocabulary, you need to know that the pronunciation of words in Japanese is different from other languages. Some pointers that you can pay attention to regarding Japanese pronunciation rules include:  Long and short sounds. There are vowel sounds that are read long and short. The two ways of pronunciation give rise to different meanings of the word. For example, obasan (aunt) and obaasan (grandmother).  The consonant sound N. The letter N in Japanese can be read as [m], [ng], or still read as [n] by paying attention to the consonant that follows it. For example, sanpo is pronounced shampoo, sanmai is pronounced sammai, and so on.  How to pronounce sounds with similar consonants And so forth To help you understand how to pronounce it, there is a smartphone application that you can use. The application is Learn Japanese Phrases which is available for the Android and iOS platforms. Watching Anime is a fun way to learn Japanese, you know! To help you master Japanese vocabulary and pronunciation, there is a fun, interesting and enjoyable learning method. You can use your free time to learn Japanese for beginners by watching anime.  There are many choices of anime that you can watch. Some anime recommendations include:  One Piece Kimi No Na Wa Pokémon Azumanga Daioh Naruto When watching anime, try not to read subtitles . That way, you have the opportunity to understand the pronunciation and vocabulary spoken by the characters in the anime. Also Read: 7 Ways to Learn English Effectively for Beginners Learn Basic Japanese Particles The next method that you need to follow in the process of learning Japanese for beginners is basic particles. Japanese has rules called particles. Its use is to connect words so that they become one unit in a sentence. Its function is similar to prepositions in Indonesian.  You need to use particles when you want to indicate place, time, direction, and such. There are a total of 188 particles in Japanese. To be able to master Japanese, you need to know all these particles. However, if you are still at the beginner stage, you need to prioritize mastering basic particles such as:  は (wa) . This particle functions as an indicator of the subject or topic in a sentence. Apart from that, you can also use it when comparing two things that are opposite to each other.  も (mo). The function of the mo particle is similar to the word also in Indonesian.  か (ka) . You need to add the ka particle when saying the question sentence. Its function is similar to the word 'what?' or 'huh?' in Indonesian. が (ga) . Particles are useful for emphasizing the subject word in a sentence. Apart from that, you can also use the particle not like the word but.  を (o) . There is also the o particle whose function is to connect objects with verbs.  Japanese Language Structure Sentences in Japanese have various different structures. You need to understand it to be fluent in pronouncing Japanese words. Examples of these structures include:  Verb sentence . You can say this sentence with the following structure:  Element + Particle + Predicate (Verb) + masu. Elements can be subjects, objects, information, or topics. Meanwhile, masu is an additional word. An example of its use is 私は本を読みます。 (Watashi wa hon o yomimasu) which means, I read a book.  Adjective sentences . The use of this sentence structure is to show the condition of the subject. The writing structure is as follows: element (noun) + wa + predicate (adjective) + desu. Example of usage, これ は おいしーい です (kore wa oishi ̄ idesu) which means it's delicious.  Learn about the Basics of Expressions and Greetings Lastly, you need to understand sentences that are often used every day and their pronunciation. These sentences include:  Haijimemashite: Nice to meet you Watashi no namae wa Joko desu : My name is Joko Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu : I'm glad to meet you Konnichiwa : Good afternoon Konbanwa : Good afternoon Oyasumi or Oyasumi nasai: Good night Sayonara : Goodbye Atodene : See you later Arigato gozaimasu : Thank you very much These are tips that you can practice to learn Japanese. As a complement, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to learn Japanese yourself by taking advantage of online courses at 4dlotto. Through this course, you can learn Japanese for beginners fluently and understand it properly.

| Healthy

7 Ways to Maintain Eye Health

7 Ways to Maintain Eye, How to maintain eye health is important to avoid various eye health problems, such as glaucoma, eye infections, and even blindness. The steps to take care of eye health are diverse, both by doing routine eye examinations to the doctor and by adopting a healthy lifestyle.Every activity carried out on a daily basis, cannot be separated from the role eyes as the sense of sight. Although its function can decrease with age, you can still do various ways to maintain eye health, so that you can reduce the risk and prevent it from various eye diseases.How to Maintain Eye HealthEye function is very important for humans. As a result, maintaining eye health is crucial. Well, here are 7 Ways to Maintain Eye Health to take care of eye health that you can do:1. Get your eyes checked routinelyEveryone, from children to the elderly, is recommended to have their eyes examined routinely at least once every 2 years. Adults who are over 40 years old are even recommended to have their eyes checked once a year.This aims to prevent eye diseases related to aging, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataract.Through an eye examination, doctors can monitor eye conditions and detect eye problems due to certain diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.In addition, this way of maintaining eye health is also important if you have a history of inherited eye diseases. Thus, handling steps can be done quickly and accurately.2. Consumption of nutritious foodTo maintain eye health, you are recommended to consume nutritious foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids.seleniumSome of the above nutrients are known to prevent age-related eye problems, such as cataracts and macular degeneration. You can obtain these various nutrients as a way of maintaining eye health by consuming green vegetables, fish, eggs, nuts, and oranges.3. Avoid using the phone for too longStaring at a computer screen or smartphone for too long can cause eye fatigue. The symptoms can be headache, neck pain, shoulder and back pain, dry eyes, and blurred vision.If you work in front of the computer all day, rest your eyes by looking away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. You are also advised to rest your eyes for 15 minutes every 2 hours.When your eyes feel dry, you can also take care of eye health by blinking your eyes often or using eye drops.4. Avoid exposure to ultraviolet raysNot only the skin, the eyes also need to be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. This is because eyes that are too often exposed to ultraviolet rays are more at risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, pinguecula, even eye cancer .Therefore, as one way to maintain eye health, you are advised to wear dark glasses that can protect the eyes from UVA and UVB rays or use a wide-brimmed hat during daytime activities.5. Stop smokingSmoking can increase the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and optic nerve damage that can cause blindness in one or both eyes. Therefore, if you are an active smoker, stop smoking from now on to take care of your health.   Also read: Tips Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Sleepiness6. Be careful when using make upMake up in the form of liquid or cream is generally prone to become a place for bacterial growth when used unhygienic. Therefore, make sure to always use a clean and washed brush, every time you use it.When there is a change in color, texture, or smell, do not use the make up. Avoid sharing make-up tools with each other.In addition, make sure to wash your face thoroughly before and after applying make up. If you experience irritation or eye infection when applying make up, remove the makeup and immediately check yourself with a doctor.7. Exercise regularlyA study revealed that exercise regularly can reduce the risk of eye diseases, even reducing the risk of vision loss. Regular exercise will maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels so as to avoid high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which are some of the risk factors for eye disease.Therefore, as a way of maintaining eye health, exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes per day. That way, the health of your body, including your eyes, will remain awake. How to take care of eye health can also be done by not ignoring various problems that appear or feel in the eyes. However, if the eye complaints continue or the eyes feel painful, the area around the eyes looks red, and causes your vision to be disturbed, do not hesitate to immediately check the eyes with a doctor.

| Social Media

How to Easily See Who Visited Your IG Profile

How to Easily See Who Visited Your IG ProfileSomeone who always visits profiles, views Instagram stories , and likes several posts without following them is usually called a stalker. Not surprisingly, many people want to know how to see who is visiting profile IG out of curiosity.The act of digging up information via Instagram to find out about someone's personal life can make some people feel uncomfortable. In fact, these stalker habits are illegal because they can invade someone's privacy.Quoting from the book Advertising Social Media - Instagram , Dian Prajarini (2020), Instagram is a social media that users use to socialize virtually with other users this is How to Easily See Who Visited Your IG Profile.How to See Who Visited Your IG ProfileThe way to easily see who has visited your IG profile is as follows.1. Via the Instagram ApplicationThe first way you can see who has visited your IG profile is to use the features in the applicationInstagram. Here are the procedures. Open a business Instagram account by entering the correct username and password . Next, visit the profile menu then select the ' Insight ' menu. Finally, several names of other users who frequently visit the user's profile and who are stalkers on  Instagram social media accounts will automatically be displayed. 2. Via Online CheckerThe next way to see who has visited our IG profile is to use the Online Checker website. Here are the procedures. First, open a browser and type the address Then the main page of the site will automatically appear. Next, copy the user's Instagram profile name. Then, select the Instagram Tools menu and Check Stalker . Then paste the Instagram profile name that was copied previously. Perform captcha verification to ensure that the user is not a robot. Finally, please wait a few seconds until the Instagram account stalker data listed is displayed.     Also read: How to Find Out People Who Unfollowed Us on Instagram3. Through the Who Viewed My Instagram ApplicationApart from the method above, users can also use the Who Viewed My Instagram application to see who has visited our IG profile. Here are the procedures. Install the Who Viewed My Instagram application via Google PlayStore or App Store. Then, log in to your Instagram account via the application. Don't forget to give permission by tapping the ' Authorize ' button. After that, go to the main menu and select the ' Your Profile Stalkers ' feature. Finally, wait until the application displays the list stalker User's IG.

| Healthy

Aching teeth?, Here the right way to deal with it

Aching teeth?, Here the right way to deal with it Aching teeth often occur when eating ice cream, drinking warm tea, or brushing your teeth. This complaint is generally caused by sensitive teeth. To overcome and prevent toothache, there are several effective ways that can be done. Tooth ache due to sensitive teeth occurs when the bottom layer of the tooth (dentin) is exposed. This makes the tooth roots , which have thousands of small nerves, more easily exposed to various stimuli, such as hot, cold, sweet or sour food or drinks Aching teeth?, Here the right way to deal with it. Various Causes of Painful and Sensitive Teeth Teeth that are sensitive or feel sore easily can be caused by many things. The following are some of the causes of sore teeth that occur quite often: The habit of brushing your teeth too hard or using a toothbrush with rough bristles Gingivitis or pulled gums Cavities , cracks, breaks, or habitual teeth grinding Side effects of certain procedures on teeth, such as teeth whitening and dental crowns Long-term use of mouthwash Plaque buildup on teeth Consuming foods and drinks that are too sour or sweet How to Get Rid of Aching Teeth Seeing a dentist is the first step you can take if your teeth feel sore. The doctor will detect the cause of tooth ache based on the history of complaints, symptoms experienced, and examination results. 1. Toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth Special toothpastes for sensitive teeth contain certain formulas that can inhibit or reduce pain or aching in the teeth. However, the toothpaste needs to be used several times until the complaint of sore teeth can be resolved. 2. Fluoride treatment Fluoride treatment can be done by applying fluoride gel to the outer layer of teeth to strengthen the protective layer of teeth (enamel). If the tooth layer strengthens, complaints of sore teeth can subside. 3. Teeth bonding This procedure is carried out by attaching a certain material, usually a resin, to the exposed or exposed surface of the tooth root. If you undergo a teeth bonding procedure to treat cavities, the doctor generally gives you a local anesthetic. 4. Gum surgery Tooth roots that have lost their gum layer can cause teeth to become sore. The solution that can be used to treat the condition is gum surgery. In order to attach gum to the missing portion, the surgeon will remove gum from another region. 5. Root canal treatment ( root canal treatment ) Root canal treatment is carried out by treating the core or pulp of the tooth. This method is generally used if other types of treatment are not effective for dealing with sore teeth or the pain you are experiencing is unbearable. Some Tips to Prevent Aching Teeth So that your teeth are free from pain caused by sensitive teeth when consuming various types of food or drinks, you need to maintain healthy teeth . The following are several ways you can prevent sore teeth or sensitive teeth:  Also read: Causes and Ways To Treat Toothache 1. Brush your teeth regularly Brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle brush and toothpaste containing fluoride is the simplest way to keep your teeth clean and healthy. However, avoid brushing your teeth too hard, especially around the gum line, to prevent injury to the gums. After brushing your teeth, use dental floss to clean any remaining food stuck between your teeth. 2. Avoid grinding your teeth The habit of grinding your teeth over time can make your teeth become brittle and sensitive. If you have this habit, try using a mouth guard, especially when sleeping. 3. Pay attention to the food and drinks consumed Limit consumption of acidic foods and drinks, such as soda , yoghurt , tomatoes and oranges, as well as foods or drinks that contain lots of sugar. Sour or sweet foods and drinks can erode tooth enamel, exposing tooth dentin. If you want to drink soda or other acidic drinks, use a straw to prevent the liquid from getting on your teeth. After that, drink water to normalize the acid levels in the mouth. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after consuming foods and drinks that contain acid or sugar. Wait about 30 minutes first. Acid makes tooth enamel softer and is easily eroded when brushing. 4. Have your teeth checked regularly by a dentist Apart from brushing your teeth regularly and limiting your consumption of acidic foods, you also need to have your dental health checked by a dentist every 6 months or according to the schedule recommended by your dentist. Toothache caused by sensitive teeth can be avoided primarily by routine dental care and good oral hygiene. If you still feel your teeth hurting even though you have done the tips above, immediately consult a doctor about your complaint .

| Healthy

8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here

8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here Trying natural ways to lower cholesterol can be the right choice before taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. Apart from not causing side effects, these various natural methods are also more beneficial for overall body health. Cholesterol can actually be lowered through consuming natural cholesterol medication or those prescribed by a doctor. However, doctors will generally advise you to try natural methods first rather than directly taking medication. Apart from being proven effective, natural ways to lower cholesterol can also provide many health benefits here it is 8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here. Various Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Basically, how to lower cholesterol naturally is related to a healthy lifestyle and diet. The following are several ways to lower cholesterol naturally that you can try: 1. Consume foods that contain healthy fats To meet your fat needs, you are advised to eat foods that contain healthy fats , such as eggs or avocado. Apart from that, you are also advised to consume fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines and mackerel. Foods with omega-3 can be a natural cholesterol medicine . These various foods are known to increase good cholesterol levels in the body. 2. Increase your intake of fiber foods Consuming fiber foods can also lower cholesterol naturally. Fiber can bind fat, thereby reducing cholesterol absorption in the intestine. That way, blood cholesterol is reduced. To meet your fiber needs, you can eat foods such as wheat, fruit, nuts and vegetables. 3. Limit foods that contain bad fats To lower cholesterol naturally, you should avoid consuming foods that contain bad fats, namely saturated fat and trans fat . This is because these two types of fat can increase bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body. Several types of food that contain saturated fat and trans fat include fast food, fried foods, sweet foods, and baked bread. 4. Reduce sweet foods Reducing foods that are high in sugar is also one way to lower cholesterol naturally. This is because excessive sugar consumption can increase bad cholesterol levels and reduce good cholesterol levels in the body. To control sugar intake, limit the use of added sugar and check the sugar content on the labels of the food or drinks you consume.   Also read : 7 Effective Ways to Shrink a Bloated Stomach 5. Limit consumption of alcoholic drinks Consuming excessive alcoholic drinks can cause various health problems, ranging from increasing levels of bad cholesterol ( LDL ) to cardiovascular disease. If you want to consume it, limit the dose to a moderate amount, namely around 300 ml per day. 6. Stop smoking Smoking can increase bad cholesterol levels in the body. If you have a smoking habit , you should stop immediately. By stopping smoking, the body can raise good cholesterol ( HDL ) levels quickly. HDL functions to clean bad cholesterol in the blood and return it to the liver. That is why quitting smoking can be a way to lower cholesterol naturally. 7. Exercise regularly One effective way to lower cholesterol naturally is to get used to exercising regularly for 30 minutes every day. If you're not used to it, try doing 10 minutes of physical exercise for a few days, then increase it gradually. Some types of exercise recommended for lowering cholesterol levels are cycling, gardening, swimming, jogging and aerobics. 8. Reduce stress A study states that long-term stress can increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides . This can happen because of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline which are released when stressed. Therefore, try to always manage stress well from time to time. There are various ways to lower cholesterol naturally that you can do. The thing to remember is that the various methods above will be effective if done consistently. Apart from that, don't forget to regularly check your cholesterol as recommended by your doctor. If you have used various methods to lower cholesterol naturally but your cholesterol levels do not go down, you should consult a doctor  for further treatment, including prescribing good cholesterol medication .

| Healthy

Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Right Here

Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Right HereSeeing that the number of people with diabetes is increasing every year, it is important for everyone to know how to prevent diabetes. Moreover, according to the WHO, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world. In general, diabetes is divided into two types, namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce enough insulin, so that the glucose or sugar consumed cannot be processed.Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes is a condition when the body cannot use insulin as it should. Beyond that, diabetes can also occur during pregnancy or gestational diabetes .Whatever the type, this disease can then cause high blood sugar levels. If left for a long time, uncontrolled high blood sugar can cause a number of dangerous complications this is Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Right Here.Accurate Tips to Prevent DiabetesThe cause of type 1 diabetes is not known for certain. However, this condition is suspected to be related to autoimmune diseases, genetic abnormalities, and hereditary factors. Because the cause is not yet certain, the way to prevent it is not yet clearly known.Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes is known to be related to genetic factors, unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, and insulin resistance .To reduce the risk of diabetes, whether it is type 1 or 2, there are several ways that can be done, namely:1. Apply a healthy dietLiving a healthy diet is one of the main keys to avoiding diabetes. You are advised to limit the consumption of foods and drinks high in sugar, calories, and fat, such as processed foods, cookies, ice cream, and fast food.Limit sugar intake to only 50 grams (4 tablespoons) per day. Instead, increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains that contain a lot of fiber and complex carbohydrates .If you like to snack , it's best to choose healthy snacks, such as milk, low-fat and low-sugar yogurt, and boiled nuts without salt. In addition, avoid fizzy drinks or packaged fruit juices that have high sugar levels and drink plenty of water.2. Do sports regularlyRoutine exercise can help the body use the hormone insulin more effectively, so that blood sugar levels can be better controlled. That way, you can avoid diabetes.Take the time to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Any type of exercise, as long as it is done regularly, can be an effective way to prevent diabetes.3. Maintaining an ideal weightIdeal body weight can be determined using a BMI calculator . If your BMI value is high to exceed the normal limit, then you may be obese . This condition is one of the factors that can increase your risk of diabetes. So, it is important to always take care of your body weight to keep it ideal.4. Manage stress wellUnmanaged stress can increase the risk of diabetes. This is because when experiencing stress, the body will release the stress hormone (cortisol) which can increase blood sugar levels .Not only that, when the body is stressed it will also tend to be hungry more easily and be encouraged to eat more. Therefore, you must be good at managing stress so as not to vent it on eating or snacking excessively.5. Routinely check blood sugarTo assess blood sugar levels, you need to check your blood sugar regularly with your doctor. Blood sugar tests are important to monitor blood sugar levels and detect diabetes early.For those of you who are healthy and not at high risk of diabetes, then blood sugar checks can be done once a year.However, if you are at high risk of diabetes, such as over 40 years of age, have a history of heart disease or stroke, obesity, or have a family history of diabetes, then the doctor may suggest that blood sugar tests be done more often.In addition to doing the steps above, you also need to get rid of other unhealthy habits, such as  stopping smoking , limiting the consumption of alcoholic or soda drinks, and getting enough sleep for at least 7 hours every day. If you still have questions related to how to prevent diabetes or suspected to have symptoms of diabetes, you are advised to consult a doctor directly .

| Healthy

5 Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally

5 Ways to Whiten Teeth NaturallyNot a few people want to know how to whiten their teeth naturally so that their smile looks more beautiful and charming. You can make this happen by doing several things, from maintaining proper oral hygiene to quitting smoking.There are several things that can cause your teeth to turn yellow , ranging from excessive consumption of tea or coffee, frequent smoking, inappropriate tooth brushing habits, to thinning of tooth enamel as you get older this is 5 Ways to Whiten Teeth Naturally.How to Whiten Teeth NaturallyYellow teeth can disrupt your appearance and reduce your self-confidence. But don't worry, because there are several ways to whiten your teeth naturally that you can easily try yourself at home, including:1. Maintain oral and dental hygiene The main step you can take to whiten your teeth naturally is to maintain good oral hygiene .Brushing your teeth regularly , at least twice a day, can help prevent and reduce the buildup of stains that cause your teeth to look yellow.After brushing your teeth, it is also recommended that you clean any remaining food left between your teeth using dental floss . If necessary, use mouthwash for maximum results.2. Brushing your teeth with baking sodaBrushing your teeth with a paste made from baking soda has long been believed to be effective in whitening teeth naturally. Therefore, quite a few toothpaste products use baking soda as one of the main ingredients.Apart from buying toothpaste products that contain baking soda , you can also make it yourself at home, by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of water.3. Consume fruit that contains malic acidMalic acid is a natural substance in fruit which is claimed to be able to whiten and reduce stains on teeth. To get the benefits of malic acid, you can eat several types of fruit, such as strawberries , watermelon and apples.Apart from consuming fruit that contains malic acid, you can try pineapple , orange and papaya which are also claimed to be effective in whitening teeth naturally.4. Gargle with vegetable oil ( oil pulling )Gargling with vegetable oil , such as coconut oil, can also be your choice for whitening teeth naturally. The reason is, coconut oil contains lauric acid which can reduce inflammation in the mouth and kill bacteria that cause plaque buildup and tooth decay.If you are interested in trying it, you can gargle or do oil pulling with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil for 15–20 minutes every day. However, you still need to be careful not to swallow coconut oil.After you have finished gargling, throw the coconut oil into the trash and clean your mouth with a toothbrush as usual.5. Quit smokingTobacco in cigarettes is one of the causes of stains on teeth that are difficult to clean. In the long term, smoking can cause oral health problems, such as gum inflammation and even oral cancer.Not only does it whiten your teeth naturally, quitting smoking can also help your body become healthier and avoid the risk of other diseases due to smoking habits, such as heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.Apart from the methods above, you are also advised to reduce consumption of drinks that can change the color of your teeth, such as tea, coffee and soda. If possible, use a straw to drink it or brush your teeth immediately after consuming the drink to prevent stains from sticking to your teeth. However, if the natural teeth whitening method above is deemed ineffective or does not show satisfactory results, you can consult further with a dentist to get the right treatment according to your condition and needs.

| Technology

7 Ways to Become a YouTuber for Beginners, Only Using a Phone

7 Ways to Become a YouTuber for Beginners, Only Using a PhoneYouTuber is one of the jobs that is usually done by a vlogger or content creator . You can share content in the form of tutorials, food reviews, and much more.Apart from that, you can earn money by adding Adsense to your videos broadcast on YouTube. Of course it's interesting, right? If you want to become a YouTuber, check out the following 7 ways to become a youtuber for beginners only use phone article!Effective ways to become a youtuber1. Choose a Content AreaEveryone has different strengths, and these advantages can be used to make YouTube video content. If you like eating, you can make culinary review videos or culinary tours in the form of vlogs.2. Create Interesting ContentThe main thing that is needed as a YouTuber is to create unique and interesting content to reach many users. Apart from that, you also have to be consistent so you don't lose your loyal viewers.3. Create a YouTube AccountAs a beginner YouTuber, of course you must have a YouTube account first. Later, your video post will be published on YouTube. Apart from that, you can also manage your own YouTube account, such as adding video descriptions, adding advertisements, and much more.4. Prepare the DeviceTherefore, it goes without saying that you need a device that supports your actions if you are interested in and serious about becoming a YouTuber. Usually, YouTubers need a camera to create content and other additional equipment, such as a gimbal to stabilize video results, clip ons, and much more.5. Determine the Target AudienceThis one thing cannot be missed, you must determine in detail the target audience for your YouTube channel. Starting from gender, age range, and other small things that you need to pay attention to. Later, it will be easy for you to group your own content.   Also read: 5 Ways to Become a Content Creator for Beginners6. Using an editing applicationYou can maximize the results and quality of your video before uploading it to YouTube by editing it first using a video editing application. Just master the basics, usually video editing applications are used to remove noise and add certain effects or transitions. There are lots of video editing applications on your cellphone that you can use too, you know.7. Maximize your YouTube Channel So, the last thing you can do is maximize your YouTube channel. You can add a profile photo, create an attractive username , create a thumbnail to make it more professional. You can also analyze videos that have been posted directly.

| Education

8 Ways to Memorize Quickly and Effectively

8 Ways to Memorize Quickly and Effectively Before an exam, students usually spend a lot of time memorizing the study material. Memorizing is an activity in learning to help store knowledge. However, sometimes the memorization process can become more difficult, especially if the time or learning system used is wrong. This condition often makes a person feel hopeless and frustrated. If you often experience the same thing, there are various ways you can memorize it quickly. For more details, see the summary of several methods below. How to Memorize Quickly Here are 8 ways you can memorize quickly. How to memorize quickly Here are several ways you can memorize quickly, compiled from various sources: 1. Read continuously and repeatedly By reading material continuously and repeatedly, your short-term memory will improve so that your memory becomes better.  The key is to read with full concentration. Make sure there is nothing that can distract your reading concentration. 2. Note down the important points After reading repeatedly, you can note down the important points. Maybe you can't memorize everything, but you can memorize the important points.  Especially if you re-note the important points using your own language. Then you can quickly understand what you memorize. 3. Create a mind map You can re-note these important points by making a mind map or concept map.  This method of memorizing can also balance the right brain and left brain because it involves imagination and creativity. 4. Read aloud or spoken When you read while aloud, the memorization process will become easier. This method is very suitable for those of you who like the auditory learning style.  If you want to read while making noise, try to find a quiet place so you can focus. 5. Give yourself a break while memorizing During the memorization process, don't forget to give your brain a break to process the material being memorized. That way, the brain no longer feels bored and is ready to receive information again.     Also Read: 7 Tips for Effective Japanese Learning for Beginners 6. Avoid anything distracting Because you need concentration, you have to avoid anything that distracts you.  Try to find a place away from crowds to avoid distractions. When memorizing, try not to do other activities. 7. Avoid overnight speeding systems The brain needs time to absorb the material we are memorizing. Therefore, try to memorize it well in advance and don't use the overnight speed system.  Moreover, each person's brain capacity is different. There are those who can memorize quickly, there are also those who need a long time. 8. Get enough sleep Getting enough rest can also be the key to success in memorizing quickly. That way, you can focus more while studying because you don't feel sleepy or tired. Although this fast memorization method is allowed, it is not recommended to be done too often. This is because the method of memorizing quickly is like doing physical activity. The ability to remember will be formed, but will quickly disappear when someone stops doing it.