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8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here

8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here
Last Update: 2023-12-11 12:39 PM

8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here

Trying natural ways to lower cholesterol can be the right choice before taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. Apart from not causing side effects, these various natural methods are also more beneficial for overall body health.

Cholesterol can actually be lowered through consuming natural cholesterol medication or those prescribed by a doctor. However, doctors will generally advise you to try natural methods first rather than directly taking medication. Apart from being proven effective, natural ways to lower cholesterol can also provide many health benefits here it is 8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here.


Various Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Basically, how to lower cholesterol naturally is related to a healthy lifestyle and diet. The following are several ways to lower cholesterol naturally that you can try:

1. Consume foods that contain healthy fats

To meet your fat needs, you are advised to eat foods that contain healthy fats , such as eggs or avocado. Apart from that, you are also advised to consume fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines and mackerel. Foods with omega-3 can be a natural cholesterol medicine .

These various foods are known to increase good cholesterol levels in the body.

2. Increase your intake of fiber foods

Consuming fiber foods can also lower cholesterol naturally. Fiber can bind fat, thereby reducing cholesterol absorption in the intestine. That way, blood cholesterol is reduced.

To meet your fiber needs, you can eat foods such as wheat, fruit, nuts and vegetables.

3. Limit foods that contain bad fats

To lower cholesterol naturally, you should avoid consuming foods that contain bad fats, namely saturated fat and trans fat . This is because these two types of fat can increase bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body.

Several types of food that contain saturated fat and trans fat include fast food, fried foods, sweet foods, and baked bread.

4. Reduce sweet foods

Reducing foods that are high in sugar is also one way to lower cholesterol naturally. This is because excessive sugar consumption can increase bad cholesterol levels and reduce good cholesterol levels in the body.

To control sugar intake, limit the use of added sugar and check the sugar content on the labels of the food or drinks you consume.

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5. Limit consumption of alcoholic drinks

Consuming excessive alcoholic drinks can cause various health problems, ranging from increasing levels of bad cholesterol ( LDL ) to cardiovascular disease. If you want to consume it, limit the dose to a moderate amount, namely around 300 ml per day.

6. Stop smoking

Smoking can increase bad cholesterol levels in the body. If you have a smoking habit , you should stop immediately. By stopping smoking, the body can raise good cholesterol ( HDL ) levels quickly.

HDL functions to clean bad cholesterol in the blood and return it to the liver. That is why quitting smoking can be a way to lower cholesterol naturally.

7. Exercise regularly

One effective way to lower cholesterol naturally is to get used to exercising regularly for 30 minutes every day. If you're not used to it, try doing 10 minutes of physical exercise for a few days, then increase it gradually.

Some types of exercise recommended for lowering cholesterol levels are cycling, gardening, swimming, jogging and aerobics.

8. Reduce stress

A study states that long-term stress can increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides . This can happen because of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline which are released when stressed. Therefore, try to always manage stress well from time to time.

There are various ways to lower cholesterol naturally that you can do. The thing to remember is that the various methods above will be effective if done consistently. Apart from that, don't forget to regularly check your cholesterol as recommended by your doctor.

If you have used various methods to lower cholesterol naturally but your cholesterol levels do not go down, you should consult a doctor  for further treatment, including prescribing good cholesterol medication .

Tags: cholesterol How to lower your cholesterol 8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally Here