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What is Artificial Intelligence, How It Works, and Its Benefits

What is Artificial Intelligence, How It Works, and Its Benefits
Last Update: 2023-11-11 03:41 PM

What is Artificial Intelligence, How It Works, and Its Benefits

Malaysia-Recently Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic of discussion. As time goes by, AI helps solve human affairs a lot.

So what exactly is meant by AI? How does this technology work? And why is it so important?kelebihanai-4-D-Lotto

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture's SMP Directorate page, Artificial Intelligence (AI) generally refers to computer programs designed to imitate human intelligence. The intelligence in question includes decision-making abilities, logic, and other intelligence characteristics.

The concept of AI was previously introduced in 1956 by a computer scientist named Professor John McCarthy. AI capabilities come from a combination of algorithm systems and various techniques, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. In other words, AI is a simulation of human intelligence that is processed by a machine with the help of technology. AI or artificial intelligence learns human intelligence patterns to complete its tasks.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Quoted from the Malaysian cloud service provider website, the types of AI based on their capabilities are:

1. Weak AI
Weak AI is an AI system that can perform certain tasks such as understanding language and making decisions, but its capabilities are still limited. This type of AI is usually used in practical applications such as virtual assistants or recommendation systems.

2. Strong AI
Strong AI is an AI system that has human intellectual abilities, such as understanding language, problem solving, and making decisions like humans based on data that has been collected.

This type of AI is still used as an object of research and development. Currently, there is no AI system that can truly be said to be Strong AI. However, several scientists and researchers state that strong AI will be achieved in the near future.

How Artificial Intelligence Works

In general, AI works by combining data sets (big data) with computer science. AI will absorb a fairly large amount of labeled training data and then analyze it to identify pattern recognition.

In its working system, AI requires basic hardware and software to write and train machine learning algorithms. The AI ​​programming learning model refers to cognitive skills, namely learning, reasoning and self-correction.

Examples of AI Applications in Various Fields

Thanks to its sophistication, currently various areas of life are dependent on the AI ​​sector. Several fields that are starting to use AI include health, education, food security and bureaucracy.

In the health sector, AI is used to speed up service times, expand reach, and reduce health costs. AI allows patients to get health services without having to visit a health center or hospital directly.

The use of AI in education can control and monitor student learning. In the future, AI will lead to precision learning. Later, student learning will not only take into account cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects, but also take into account students' daily habits.

Food security
In the field of food security, AI is used to identify the types of crops grown in an area and predict future results. AI can also be used to identify areas that have or have not reached electricity.

AI in the field of bureaucratic reform is marked by the presence of the development of ChatBot. This programming enables accurate two-way communication services with the public 24 hours a day. This can help increase bureaucratic efficiency and facilitate public access to information or public services.


Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

AI has several advantages that can benefit humans in various fields. The following are various advantages of AI quoted from the official STEKOM University website.

1. Analytical Ability
AI is capable of analyzing large amounts of data accurately and quickly. This allows for better decision making as well as more accurate predictions in the future.

2. High Efficiency
AI is capable of processing data at high speed. This will certainly cut the time and costs required in various fields, such as banking, manufacturing and logistics.

3. Independent Learning
Along with its ability to learn data, AI is able to improve its performance continuously. Thus, AI systems can continue to develop better and smarter as time goes by.

4. Objective Decision Making
Unlike humans, AI can process data objectively without being influenced by emotions. Of course this is useful in reducing the potential for errors and increasing accuracy in decision making.

Weaknesses of Artificial Intelligence

Even though it has many benefits for human life, AI as a human creation certainly has its weaknesses. At least, here are some of the shortcomings of Artificial intelligence technology.

1. Creates Dependency
AI is highly dependent on input data. If the data used is flawed or not representative, then the recommendation results from AI may be inaccurate and even tend to produce information bias.

2. Has limitations
Even though AI is very sophisticated, its capabilities are still unable to touch the emotional and creative aspects of humans. This means that AI cannot yet completely replace the human interaction process.

3. Not considering emotional aspects
AI is unable to touch human emotional aspects. This is prone to being used for criminal acts because AI does not have moral bias. AI will do all the work ordered regardless of the subject behind it.

4. Risk of reducing employment opportunities
The purpose of creating AI is to make human work easier. Its presence means that work previously done by humans can be done with AI technology. Perhaps this is a polemic for most people because it has a direct impact on economic aspects.

That's an explanation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Hopefully this is useful, 4d Lotto!

Tags: AI Arificial Intelligence What is Ai? Ai